I don’t think this has ever happened before, but I’m at a total blank as to what to say today. Wow. So, here’s another cartoon for you. I plan to start doing two a week. One of my biggest challenges is drawing women. I’ll have to work on that.

Happy Thursday.

10 comments on

  1. I love this cartoon…now, that is true work accomodations for those with disabilities!!!By the way, I’ll watch your women and give you suggestions if I come up with any. That sounds really weird, doesn’t it?

  2. There certainly seems to be a lot of things you could do. Already your “working” from home and not getting paid for it! Your talent is immense!

  3. Hey Michelle,My goal is to work from home and I’m getting there. Just needs to reach the point where it doesn’t take me all day or several days to get something as simple as a blog post or a cartoon together. I’m optomistic though….and more than a bit scared.Thanks for watching the women for me, clueless. I especially have a prob from the side. From the front I don’t have much of a problem.

  4. bradley…I enjoy reading your blog…one of the many I read every morning…your cartoons are great…I look forward to the two cartoons a week…your woman looks good to me…after all remember she is your vision and fits with the cartoon!I also take a great deal of time to compose a post…sometimes days…I will rewrite it over and over until it is the best I can possible make it…I love writing but it takes me so long…one of my greatest wishes is to write a book.Can you imagine…at the rate I go it would take me the rest of my life…but then it just might be a great time!!! :0)Enjoy your day…Cheers

  5. michelle, you are right.azure, if just writing it would be fun then that’s the important part. Finishing, etc. would just be icing on the cake.

  6. So much of what you say or write is everyman. We are all a bit scared it’s just that some are faking it more then others.

  7. I love cartoons, I didn’t even know you did them. Its my own fault for not popping in here more often.I have love doing cartoon/doodles on my blog. Its the easiest way from me to say what mood I am in and not have to write much.I cant seem to draw side profiles well at all, so have avoided that for now. So if you find any good tips let me know 🙂

  8. Claire, I did a lot of cartooning when I was younger. I just started picking it up again. Profiles are tough for me too, therefore, I don’t have much advice other than keep practicing.

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