9 Bad Videos and 1 Good one

worst videos of all time

Many of you know my posts have not been showing up in the WordPress Reader. I installed the “fix” last night. Please let me know in the comments section if I did show up there today. Thank you!

Yesterday I was in a space. I wasn’t in a bad space. I wasn’t in a good space. I was just in a space. It was one of those days that I had a hard time reading or writing so I chose to watch. Netflix shows, movies, Hulu and music videos. It didn’t matter what I watched as long as it required no effort on my part.

As I was in my vegetative state, I started playing some music videos that I liked and I came up with a thought – Why not list the worst music videos I’ve ever seen? I don’t know why I decided on the worst, rather than the best, but it probably had to do with my mood. There may be many that are far worse than these, but these are the ones that came to mind when I thought of it. So, here are, in my opinion, the worst nine music videos of all time. To be nice, the tenth video is what I consider to be the best music video of all time.


Many will disagree with me on this first video. It was immensely popular when it came out. It could have a lot to do with my dislike of the singer, Peter Gabriel, and of the song, Sledgehammer.


Number two is one of the most beautiful songs of all time, Killing Me Softly. The wonderful Roberta Flack version is a classic and I’d guess she’s pleased with Lauryn Hill’s rendition. Both are beautiful, but WTF is the deal with this video? Not only does it have nothing to do with the song, but it pulls it down into the gutter. I just don’t understand.


I like David Bowie and I’m a mega Rolling Stones fan, but if this Dancing In The Street video is what you get when you put Bowie and Jagger in a test tube, I hope they never do it again.


I don’t want to come across as a Bowie hater, because I’m not. Changes is one of my favorite songs of all time. I despise this video. I detest this song, so it may be why I dislike the video as well. I’d rather listen to a thousand bagpipe players stomping on cats than watch this video. Here’s Let’s Dance.


I went back and forth on the next two videos, each by Twisted Sister. I like the songs, but the videos hurt my eyes. I debated between We’re Not Gonna Take It and I Wanna Rock. It was a difficult decision, but when I took a good hard look at the two, I came to the conclusion they really are identical. So here are both of them.


This next one I have posted numerous times, but it’s so bad I felt I must include it here. Once again, for your viewing pleasure is Born to be Alive by Patrick Hernandez.


Here’s another one that’s made it to this blog on many occasions. Of all the videos on today’s post, this is probably the one that makes me laugh the hardest. One thing I must admit is that I’ve never been a fan of David Hasselhoff, but I do think some shots of him here are damn hot. I present to you, Hooked On a Feeling.


This Journey video is exceptionally bad. It looks like what you get when you and the rest of your garage band combine allowance money so you can make a video. Here is Separate Ways.


Finally, this last video, which is my favorite, should come as no surprise. It continually reaches #1 on many “Best Of” video lists across the internet. I present to you, for your viewing pleasure, A-ha and their hit video Take On Me.


Any that you’d like to add? What videos did I miss?

25 comments on 9 Bad Videos and 1 Good one

  1. I go through days/nights like that too.
    That classic A-ha video is amazing; I don’t mind “Sledgehammer”, but I hate Peter Gabriel’s “Shock the Monkey” video; I can’t stand the song either….

  2. Hi Bradley, Just an FYI: You are still not showing up in the WordPress reader. The last post of yours that I see in there is from Sept. 13th. I hope you can get it resolved soon–you must be very frustrated.

    1. Very frustrating. My traffic has dropped dramatically, as you can imagine. Looks like I’ll be working more with tech support. Thank you for letting me know.

    1. Well, that wasn’t misogynistic at all. I’ve never seen that one before. Excellent addition to the list.

      1. Thanks, dude. Just wanted to let you know that I’m not getting notification via email for your comments. And remember, I’m unable to like any of the comments on your site. Maybe you can ask WP about that stuff, too.

        1. Yeah, it’s a mess. You may have had an especially difficult time with the “like” button today because of the ten videos I posted. I noticed it took forever for it to come up for me which rarely happens.

            1. Yes. Maurice is an IT Technician and works a lot from home in the evenings, so we have to have the high speed.

  3. Have you seen the documentary about Twisted Sister off Netflix streaming? I wasn’t a fan before I watched it, but I am now. That said: still not seeing your posts, I got to this one through my email.

  4. Haha, I think this is a great use of time when you are in a “vegetative state.” Anything we can do to bring a little humor into the day is well worth it!

    1. Oh, that was God awful. I couldn’t even watch it all. Now I’ve got to go check out some of the parodies.

  5. These were terrible! Have you ever seen that video with the guys dressed as dogs, The Blood Hound Gang? “The Bad Touch”? It was supposed to be funny but I think it failed miserably and is just awful. Milli Vanilli “Girl you know it’s true”, Vanilla Ice “Ice, Ice, Baby” and this one David Hassellholf video comes to mind also. Equally terrible.

    As you know…still not seeing your posts.

    1. Thanks for the list. I must see the Blood Hound Gang. Regarding the notifications. Sigh. I’ve got messages going back and forth with technical support. I’m hoping I can get this resolved soon. It’s wearing me down and has cut down my traffic almost in half.

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