Accolades From

It’s been a couple of months since my last post, but I’ll always come back and write a post if it strokes my ego.

Unbeknownst to me, this blog received special attention from a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t know about it because I have been bad about checking my email regularly.

Good Therapy named this, and five other blogs, as Best of the Best: Favorite Blogs about Bipolar.  It’s funny to receive this despite my not posting much these days.

I’ve missed blog posting, and this has lit a fire under my ass, so I am making a commitment to write a post at least once a week, with two posts being my true goal.  I appreciate those of you who’ve stuck with me.

I want to acknowledge the other blogs who were mentioned and encourage you to check them out:

Bipolar, Unemployed, & Lost

Bipolar Out Loud

The Bipolar Blogger Network

Running Naked with Scissors

Bipolar Mom Life

4 comments on Accolades From

    1. I’m happy to be back, Journey. It’s going to require a balancing act on my part, but I’ll be fine.

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