Author: Brad

Weekly Wrap-Up November 28, 2016

Mood Still going up and down with depression. I’m fine for a little while and then I remember who our next president will be and depression hits hard. This doesn’t have as much to do with politics as it does the man himself. Trump is vile, vulgar and a narcissistic who is surrounding himself with […]

Weekly Wrap-Up November 21, 2016

weekly wrap-up

Mood Some time has passed since the election, so it’s no surprise that my depression has somewhat lifted as well. The keyword being “somewhat.” My God I wish it was gone. Sometimes I think it has and then I’ll realize I spent an hour staring at the wall. I sigh so regularly that Maurice keeps […]

I’m Not Laughing

Normally when I watch John Oliver’s political satire show, “Last Week Tonight,” I get lots of laughs. His most recent episode about the election of Donald Trump made me feel worse. He had some funny stuff, but none of it made me laugh. I’m glad I see my therapist and my pdoc tomorrow. This shit […]

Care to be a Guest Blogger?

Guest blogger at old fashioned typewriter

I haven’t been posting as much as I used to and it looks like I need to cut back a tiny bit more so I can spend more time on my manuscript. Therefore, I’m looking for guest bloggers. I’d like to help promote other blogs one day each week. It’s preferable if your blog is […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

City of Cuenca, Ecuador

So, I’ve been doing a lot of researching regarding a place to live, should Maurice and I decide to move out of country. Most of the countries I’ve investigated are located in South America, which is seeing a boom from U.S.A. retiree’s because of their low cost of living and ease of immigration, I had to toss […]

Weekly Wrap-Up November 14, 2016

weekly wrap-up

Mood I don’t think I have to mention it, but I will. Depression, depression, depression. This time is situational and not likely to be because of the chemicals swirling around in my brain. The election was just more than I could handle. I thought it would pass, but it still hangs as heavy on my […]

I Feel No Loyalty

Its been four days since the election results came in and I’m finding myself more depressed. Each day I feel more depressed. The Republican party has gone nuts since the Tea Party and the Evangelical’s took over, but this is not just about my party losing. It’s the man. This video is of the man […]

Post Election Blues


A little something I posted on Facebook that I thought I’d share here: It’s day two and I still don’t know what to think. “You’ve got to stay and fight,” “It’s only four years,” “What would happen if all the good people left?” These are what I’m hearing from friends, but I don’t think I […]

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