Author: Brad

Gastric Bypass Surgery – Throwback

Yesterday Due to technical problems, my blog was down for a large part of the day on Wednesday. If you didn’t  get a chance to participate in the Caption This contest, you still have until midnight tonight. Just follow this link. Gastric Bypass Surgery This weeks throwback is from November 2014: Most severely obese people experience […]

Another Caption this Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another “Caption This” contest. Here is this weeks photo:   Here are the rules: Put in the comments section what you think this weeks caption should be. If you post more than one caption, it is considered cheating, and that is okay with me. This is dog […]

What do I Want to do?

What do I want to do? Over the years I’ve written a few posts about returning to work. In the past couple weeks, it’s come up again with my pdoc and my therapist, so I am bringing it up again. I hope my long term readers will indulge me a bit. Over the years there […]

Weekly Wrap-Up August 08, 2016

Mood My winning streak of staying balanced is over, but I didn’t completely crash and burn either…at least not for long. On Wednesday I started feeling depressed. I tried to come up with a reason why this was happening, but couldn’t come up with anything situational. When I experienced disassociation that afternoon, I knew this […]

Caption This Winner Announcement

Our celebrity judges George Takei, Betty White, Ellen DeGeneres and I spent many hours together laughing non-stop. Once we got down to business, we spent just as long deciding on a winner of the caption contest. Just before sunrise we made our decision on a Caption This winner. Here is the picture that was posted […]

Caption this Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another “Caption This” contest. Here is this weeks photo: The rules to play are easy: Put in the comments section what you think this weeks caption should be. If you post more than one caption, it is considered cheating, and that is okay with me. This is […]


Since I started this blog I’ve always been upfront and honest about my past, my disorder(s) and what’s going on in my life. I don’t want that to change. I prefer full honesty. Earlier today I published a post about my guilty pleasures In life. One of the items I listed had to do with […]

My Guilty Pleasures

A few years ago I did a post about my guilty pleasures. I looked back on that and was surprised that most of them don’t apply to me anymore. I decided it’s time to do a new list. What’s a guilty pleasure? According to Urban Dictionary, a guilty pleasure is something that you shouldn’t like, […]

Weekly Wrap-Up August 1, 2016

Mood I had a wonderful week again. I could be wrong, but I think it’s been two months now that I’ve had no manic or depressive incidents. I had an appointment with my pdoc on Friday and he was excited that I’ve been doing so well. However, when I told him that there was a […]

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