Author: Brad

Blogs, I Need New Blogs!

Awhile back I asked for suggestions for humor blogs, but didn’t get much of a response. I’m hoping to get better feedback this time around because I’m open to blogs that have a broader appeal. What Types of Blogs am I Looking For? What kind am I looking for? Mental health, bipolar specific, humor, funny, […]

My Hero

Damn, I Was a Mess It was the early part of 2003 and one of the most miserable times in my life. Yes, I’ve referred to many times in my life as being the most miserable. I’ve had a lot of them, okay? That era is a blur, so it can take a while before […]

Weekly Wrap-Up June 27, 2016

Mood Another great week without mania or depression. That’s three in a row! Woo Hoo! (knock on wood) I did have some anxiety that made it hard to concentrate and on Friday I and had to cancel a lunch date with a friend because of it. If that’s as bad as it gets, though – […]

Van Gogh – Throwback Thursday

If you are a new reader of mine. I must give you fair warning that I am obsessed with Vincent van Gogh and post about him often. This week’s Throwback Thursday comes from May 5, 2014. Most of my readers know my love for Vincent van Gogh. It’s been six months since I’ve written an […]

The Suicide Attempt

* I usually don’t post trigger warnings, but this post involves a suicide attempt, I felt it necessary* Our Neighbors Last week, Dave made a suicide attempt. Maurice and I don’t know most people in our apartment complex. Partially because many don’t speak English. Partially because many are just not friendly. We do know Dave […]

Bradley’s Favorite Videos

I’m way behind on my novel writing this week, so I didn’t have time to write a post today. Instead, I’m posting some of my favorite videos. None of these are new here. All have been posted on this blog at one time or another – these are just some of my favorites over the […]

Weekly Wrap-Up June 20, 2016

\ Mood Nothing changed from last week and that’s a good thing. I’m thrilled I’d been in good spirits the past couple of weeks. I don’t know how long it will last and I don’t give a damn – I’m savoring every second of it. Not much more to tell. I think it’s easier to […]

Another Depression Breakthrough?

If there was a depression breakthrough, and I could be cured, would I take the opportunity? That may sound like a ridiculous question. Of course, you’re probably thinking. Who wouldn’t want to be cured? It may seem easy, but I’m not sure. Yes, the manic stages are maddening and can get me in a lot […]

The Orlando Tragedy

The following is from a Facebook post by my husband, Maurice Driving home from a beautiful weekend excursion in the San Bernardino mountains with my husband and my amazing church, I was feeling on top of the world. As we drove down the mountain and entered back in to cellular reception area, Brad’s phone started […]

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