Author: Brad

Weekly Wrap-Up June 13, 2016

Mood I’ve felt good all week. I can’t recall a single moment of depression and anxiety. Well, there is always that feeling of depression laying under my skin nagging at me. I don’t know, maybe it’s anxiety instead. Either way, this week was about acceptance. Accepting that feeling will likely always be there and I […]

Make me Laugh

When I look back on my earliest posts 7 – 8 years ago I notice a couple of things. First, I notice how dramatically better my writing is today compared to back then. I guess writing for 8 years helps one to hone their craft. The second thing I noticed that bothers me more than […]

It’s All About Me

My friend Tony “Tone” Vega,of Tony Vega Dot Net, has nominated me for a Liebster Award. To receive the award, I have to list 11 random facts about me and answer a questionnaire with 11 specific questions. I normally don’t accept awards, but I made an exception because I was planning to do an “All […]

Weekly Wrap-Up June 06, 2016

Mood I still dealt with anxiety last week, but nothing compared to the one prior. I was able to enjoy the long Memorial Day weekend, and pretty much the rest of the week, with just a few panic like moments that I was able to deal with by breathing and meditation. I am frustrated with […]


I did a little research on recess in schools and was surprised what I found. I thought I’d find a plethora of articles condemning recess. I was wrong. Instead I had to wade through the many articles supporting the importance of recess. I guess because my experience was one of fear and loneliness, that I […]

Public Displays of Affection – Throwback

This weeks Throwback is from September of 2013. While there have many successes regarding LGBTQ rights, much of the violence continues. The following events took place during the first half of 2013: Nick Porto and Kevin Atkins were walking along the street in New York, hand in hand, when several men clad in identical basketball […]

Pet Peeves

It seems like every blogger eventually does a pet peeves post and this time it’s my turn. Originally I had planned to do pet peeves only regarding mental health, but I couldn’t really think of many other than the ones we hear over and over again and there just weren’t that many. So, here’s my […]

Weekly Wrap-Up May 30, 2016

Mood Well, at least the week started off well. I was in good spirits through last weekend and the first couple of days of the week. Four times a year I do a presentation at the local community college on Buddhism and being Unitarian Universalist. No problem. I did great. Things changed on Wednesday midday […]

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