Author: Brad

On The Beach

I probably should have chosen a better title for this post than “On the Beach.” because there is an excellent 1959 movie by that name, starring Gregory Peck. It’s about the residents of Australia who must come to terms with the fact that all life will be destroyed in a matter of months due to […]

Ten Days in Lockdown – Throwback

This week I’m doing things a little differently. I’m doing a throwback every day this week. This is the first post of a five part series originally posted in March 2014 regarding the ten days I was in lockdown. I felt the need to post again. I had six months of sobriety and was frustrated. […]

I Spell Gooder Now

Today’s Throwback Thursday is from May 6, 2008 I Kant Spell I won the 5th grade spelling bee. Of course, it’s one of my proudest achievements in life. I continued to be a very good speller up until now. Suddenly over the past couple of months I’m having a strange problem with my spelling. Suddenly […]

Bucket List

It’s all the rage. Everyone seems to have them these days. Its time I jump on the band wagon and make mine. Of course, I’m talking about a bucket list. If you’re not sure what a bucket list is, here’s the definition from The Urban Dictionary: A list of things to do before you die. […]

Weekly Wrap-Up May 16, 2016

Mood My healthy, balanced state continued. I did deal with some major anxiety a couple of times, but thankfully had no panic attacks. Overall, I’m very pleased with the week. I’ve felt so good that I’ve been looking into Vocational Rehab again for help training and getting a job. I do this every time I […]

Throwback To Tigger Mania

This weeks Throwback Thursday is from May 2008 I came up with a new term I’ll share with my pdoc. I now can be depressed, manic or “Tigger manic”. If I had a tail I would have been bouncing around the apartment yesterday. I’m surprised I was able to type yesterdays post, which I’m glad […]

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