Author: Brad

Weekly Wrap-Up April 11, 2016

Mood Much, much better mood this past week. I was manic for a couple of days, but that ended about mid-week. Here’s a couple of brief conversations I had with Maurice: Sunday: Me: I feel so much better now that the depression has lifted, but I’m kind of manic, Maurice: I don’t think you’re manic. […]

Everything’s Still Coming Up Roses

This weeks Throwback Thursday was originally posted in August 2008. I think it speaks for itself. Everything’s Coming Up Roses Being a teenager who was gay and not ready to come out of the closet was extremely difficult. It meant that I frequently went through the motions to try and convince others and myself that […]

Bills Bills Bills

Money, Money, Money and Bills, Bills, Bills An article on everyday health states, Manic episodes of compulsive spending are a problem for many people who have bipolar disorder. During these episodes, people feel richer than they really are, more powerful, and willing to take more risks. In a recent study, people with bipolar disorder were […]

Weekly Wrap-Up April 4, 2016

Mood One of the worst weeks in long while. The depression was a massive dark hole. In many ways it felt like the worst I’ve ever had, but logically I know it’s far from it. It only felt like the worst because I’ve been mostly stable for awhile. Maurice and I went to our regular […]

Depression Is Back

I’m going to do something today that I rarely, if ever, have done before. I’m doing a post about how I feel now. Right this minute. So, here it goes – I feel like shit. It’s day five of debilitating depression and I’m sick of it. I’ve only showered every two days. Earlier in the […]

Still Living With Bathtub Anxiety

This weeks Throwback Thursday doesn’t go back that far. Originally posted in January of 2014, I’m sorry to say not much has changed since then. Please don’t judge, but I have one struggle that I deal with every day – taking a shower. Go ahead and say it, “Gross!” I must stress that I don’t […]


A word of warning…as you can see by the title, todays post is about hypersexuality and I will be speaking with honesty and candidness, as I do with all subjects. If this is going to be more info than you care to know about me, it’d probably be best to put your fingers in your […]

Weekly Wrap-Up March 28, 2016

This weeks weekly wrap-up is mixed. I lost weight last week, but my overall mood took a dive. The positive is my novel is going well. Mood As I did last week, I’m measuring my mood based on my hygiene. I showered most days, but it was a struggle. Rarely do I shower earlier than […]

I’m Kind of Okay Now

It’s time for another Throwback Thursday. This week I reached into the vault and pulled out a gem originally posted June 30, 2008. It was titled “I am NOT Okay. I hear it all the time, “I’m glad to see you are much better.” “How are you doing?” “You look so much better today” etc. […]

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