Author: Brad

Laughter and Bipolar Disorder

Laughter and Bipolar Disorder To me, Bipolar Disorder is a serious disease that is taken too seriously. I love to laugh. I mean really love to laugh. What makes me laugh? I like slapstick, dark humor, children’s jokes, knock-knock jokes, dirty jokes, puns and more. You know what else I love to laugh at? Jokes […]

Spoiled Brat or Bipolar?

Today I’m going to tell a story about a young man named Bradley. Some of these will sound like I’m rambling; some won’t make a connection. I will kind of go all over the place, but that’s the way my mind worked, so it’s okay. Sadly, there is so much I don’t remember from my […]

Weekly Wrap-Up March 21, 2016

This past week was mediocre in all areas. Mood was okay, Weight/Fitness was okay and writing was just okay. Looking forward to a fresh start this week. Mood This past week wasn’t quite as good as the week before but it wasn’t bad. I struggled to force myself into the shower most days, which is […]

Take This Job And Shove It

In A.A. you frequently hear people refer to someone as “doing a geographic.” A person who does a geographic is one who refuses to accept that drinking is the cause of their problems and believe life will get better if they move somewhere new and get a fresh start. I’ve also seen this take place […]

How You Doing Out There?

How You Doing Out There? Every day I check where in the world my readers are from. I don’t know why. Maybe I take comfort knowing we are not alone in regards to mental illness. It’s not often I willingly do math, but I twisted my own arm for the basis of this post. Here […]

Weekly Wrap-Up March 14, 2016

I’m excited to present this weeks Weekly Wrap-up. Nothing but positives that I can think of. Sunday night I ended on a high as I looked back and saw how great my week has been. Mood Balanced, balanced, balanced is how I’d describe the week. It’s the first time I felt this good in a […]

Animal Assisted Therapy

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs I have a special announcement before I get started. In the interest of full disclosure, I must make an admission that will send shockwaves around the world – I hate dogs. Please forgive me, but they aren’t my thing. Now don’t get me wrong, I have great fun playing with them. I […]

Procrastination and Depression

Every day, the most common search terms that brings people to my blog are Procrastination and Depression, or Procrastination and Bipolar Disorder. Without fail, they’re the terms googled the most. As a result, the most frequented page that is viewed on this blog is a January 2014 article I titled, “Procrastination, Lazy or Depression?” Most […]

Weekly Wrap-up

Last week I posted that every Monday I would review how things went the previous week. Here is my first Weekly Wrap-up. Mood I made a big mistake the other day. I didn’t knock on wood. Tuesday I posted an article titled Happiness, and I shared my good news that I had been stable for […]

Hike For Mental Health

Today’s post is by Leland McKeeman of Footsteps A Hike For Mental Health It was something I had to do. Sometimes, I just get a feeling of something I can’t deny. I’ve had it a few times before. I decided to live abroad for a year. To switch universities and programs. To live and work […]

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