Author: Brad


Happiness abounds. Granted, I’m not experiencing happiness to the level of the picture above, but I’ve been doing pretty damn well for a while now. I’m savoring it the best I can, My gut response is to give credit to the meds, but I haven’t had a change in meds in quite some time now, […]

Out of the Starting Gate Redux

Stupid Idea I remember about a decade ago when I knew very little about blogs. Out of ignorance I thought they were about the dumbest things I could imagine. Weren’t they just diaries? Who in the world wants to read other people’s diaries? Most of us have rather mundane lives – wake up, go to […]

Brain vs Brain

Today’s post is from one of my favorite bloggers, Janet from Bipolar Me Having bipolar disorder is like having cognitive dissonance all the time. What is cognitive dissonance? When people ask, I usually describe it as when the two halves of your brain slam forcefully into each other and give you a brain-ache. It’s also […]

Where Have all the Bloggers Gone?

Until a few years ago, this blog was named How is Bradley. The other day I stumbled on that old site and was surprise to find it still there. All the original posts had been transferred here to Insights from a Bipolar Bear, but I believed all along that I shut down the original site […]

Follow Me

This is a special request for all my Facebook followers. When I post an article on my blog it automatically posts a link on the blog’s Facebook page. That sounds great except I can’t guarantee that Facebook will actually send you a notification that there is a new blog post even though you clicked “Like” […]


The Problem I struggle with memories. Actually, it’s worse than that. My memory sucks. Oh, you’re probably thinking, well sure, my memory sucks too. Now, I’m not trying to one-up you, but unless you are taking some kind of medication or have a health problem, I’m probably out-doing you. Three of the six meds that […]

Searching For Must Read Bipolar Blogs

Back when I first started this blog eight years ago, there weren’t many of us. Just a relatively small group of bloggers sharing our experiences. We all supported each other through difficult times. Circumstances changed in my life and I was forced to shut down this blog for awhile. When I returned to blogging about […]

On Writing

Stephen King wrote an excellent book on writing, aptly titled On Writing. I’ll hope he’ll forgive me for using the same title for this blog post. While Stephen’s book was primarily about being a writer, this post is about why and how I write. Unemployment I haven’t worked in over eight years. My road to […]

Seeking Guest Bloggers

I need some guest bloggers. I’ve had only a few guests write articles for me and I’d like to change that. I don’t expect it to be only about bipolar disorder – it can be most any type of article related to mental health. Hell, I’d be happy to entertain the idea that it be […]

Imminent Bipolar Medication Change

Thinking back about ten years ago two things come to mind. First, was meeting Maurice, the man I look forward to spending the rest of my life with. The second thing is not pleasant. It was right after I met Maurice that my life spiraled downwards. Looking back at my life I can clearly see […]

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