Author: Brad

What The Hell Have I Been Up To?

This is not a new post. I posted this yesterday, but there was a database crash and I lost it all. Fortunately I had most of it saved on Word. What have I been doing? Quite a bit actually. Here’s an update on some items: Mental Health Nothing but good news here. The past few […]

See You Later

This isn’t a goodbye. As my regular readers know, I’ve been taking time off from this blog to further pursue my writing career. I’ve found it difficult – actually damn near impossible, to balance both the blog and the novel I am working on. As a result, I am stepping away from the blog for […]

Creativity, Bipolar and Genetics

A link between bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and creativity. We’ve all heard about the likely connection dozens of times. Now, a recent study involving over 86,000 people gives further proof that the connection exists. Looking at the many blogs written by so many creative individuals, the results of this study are no surprise to me. Excellent […]

Serenity and Exercise

Exercise is good for us and helps with depression, anxiety and a host of other ailments. Yeah, yeah. We’ve heard it all before. So what’s new? What’s new is a recent study, reported by the New York Times, that shows that where you exercise may be as important as when you exercise. Many, many moons […]

Surviving Mental Illness At a Discount

As you may know, earlier this year I contributed a short story to this excellent anthology “Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor.”  This book is excellent for anyone living with a mental illness or has a loved one who does. If you’ve considered buying one, but haven’t done so, yet, Amazon has discounted the Kindle version to […]

Keep the Sunny Side Up With Affirmations

What do you think of affirmations? I hate them. I’m sure some of you just gasped and thought what a bad attitude I have. Maybe I do. Maybe I should say some affirmations to change that. Oh hell, I’ll never get around to doing that. Oops! Even more bad attitude. Why don’t I like affirmations? […]

Dealing With Dissociative Disorder

I had an experience last week like I haven’t had in a long time. In over a year as a matter of fact. Suddenly, out of nowhere, with no understanding why, the entire world didn’t exist. The world wasn’t there. I was experiencing disassociation and I was terrified. According to the National Alliance of Mental […]

Accolades From

It’s been a couple of months since my last post, but I’ll always come back and write a post if it strokes my ego. Unbeknownst to me, this blog received special attention from a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t know about it because I have been bad about checking my email regularly. Good Therapy […]

My Crazy Bipolar Place

Monday’s suck for me. I usually have busy weekends (compared to many they would seem tame – but they are crazy for me.) By the time Monday comes around, I’m spent. Typically I go into a depressive state. A deep one. I’ve tried many things to work past it, such as cleaning house, getting outside, […]

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