Author: Brad

I’m More Than a Guy with Bipolar

Years ago, our local paper needed an interview with a gay person. The Gay and Lesbian Center referred them to me for a comment regarding marriage equality. After that I became the papers “go to” guy whenever they needed a comment regarding any gay issue. I didn’t mind. It was only about every six months […]

Surviving Mental Illness Through Humor

Today, my first published short story goes on the market. The anthology, Support Mental Illness Through Humor is now available. I could give a description, but I wouldn’t do it justice compared to the one on Amazon. Here it is: If you’re living with a mental illness, you’re in good company. Disease doesn’t discriminate; One […]

I’m Still Here And Doing Okay

I’ve gotten a couple of emails concerning where I’ve been. Researching and writing the novel is taking a lot of my time. As I’ve said before, I’m trying to find balance so that I can do both. I’m not much of a tv watcher (except for The Walking Dead) so I don’t know why this […]

Emotional First Aid

This is an excellent Ted Talk by Guy Winch. I’ve never heard of him, but I sure like him. The video is 17 minute, but to me it flew by so fast that it seemed more like 5 minutes. It is definitely worth 17 minutes from your day.

Multi-Tasking is not my Style

I swore I wasn’t going to abandon this blog and I meant it, however, I haven’t posted anything in nearly two weeks. Does this mean I’m not sticking by my word? Nope. I’m just having difficulty adapting to the changes in my life. As usual, I’m having difficulty with my time management. As my regular […]

Experiencing Technical Difficulties

I’ve received emails from some of you that are concerned I’ve abandoned my blog. No worries, I plan to stick around for a good long while. I’m experiencing difficulties with my web host provider. After many years of being a very happy customer, they’ve been letting me down for the past few weeks. I’ve been […]

Fitness Update January 26, 2015

It dawned on me that it has been awhile since I’ve written one, but I was shocked to find that I haven’t done one since October. So here for you is my latest, and extremely frustrating, fitness update: Why a Fitness Update on a Bipolar Blog? As much as I am grateful for the meds […]

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