Author: Brad

Five Year Dream

five year dream

Approximately twenty years ago my boss called me into his office and asked me where I hoped to be in five years. I described being in a wonderful relationship, living an idyllic life in San Francisco. The place where my partner and I lived would be beautiful, with hardwood floors, French doors and more. Of […]

Weekly Wrap-Up January 9 , 2016

weekly wrap up

Mood I didn’t have a good week at all…I had a great week! Two weeks ago was good. Last week was better. Neither depression or mania reared their ugly heads, nor did I have a need for any extra anti-anxiety pills. I can’t think of one moment that I had to deal with anxiety. (at […]

I Want To Be Like Her

Carrie Fisher Dog

This is kinda-Sorta another Carrie Fisher tribute, but I’ll try not to make it like the others we’ve seen en masse last week on TV, in the newspapers and around the blogosphere. While I’ll be using quotes by Carrie, it’s more about me. It’s about me and how I look at life now based upon […]

Weekly Wrap Up – New Years Edition

Weekly Wrap-Up

Mood I’m deeply troubled by our President Elect I’m deeply troubled for the future of the U.S. of A. I’m deeply troubled that Maurice and I can’t afford to leave our country. I’m deeply troubled I may never finish my manuscript. I’m deeply troubled about many things, but the good news is so are millions […]

Slowly Killing Your Soul – Throwback

killing your soul

  Today’s Throwback is from August 25, 2008   Overheard merger, analysis, consult, dividends, recruitment, associates, implementation, strategic planning, productivity, restructure, outcome, negotiate, long-term, exemption, directive, recruit, gross, net, operational, recession, shareholders…. lap tops, cell phones, i phones, Blackberries, raspberries, snozberries…. All the above summarizes what I saw and heard at the airport on my […]

My Name is Henri

Tour Eiffel in Paris

This video went viral in 2013 and I posted it that year. It’s one of my favorite short vids, and since I’m on vacation, I decided to post it again. I hope it makes you laugh, or at least smile. I never get tired of watching poor Henri.

Weekly Wrap-Up December 27, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Up

Because of Christmas, my Wrap-Up is a day late. I’m sure many of you were unable to sleep last night as a result. Mood Finally, a real good week! No depression, no mania, no hypomania. I did have a little anxiety a couple of days that felt like they were going to manifest into panic […]

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