Category: bipolar disorder

Starting Over

Nebraska Here I Come At 25 yrs old I decided I needed a change in my life. Because it was an easy transfer with my company, I chose to move to Nebraska from North Carolina. I made a bunch of changes without a plan for starting over. My life there was no better or worse…just […]

Still the Best I Can Be

This weeks Throwback Thursday is from April 29, 2013, which was titled “The Best Bradley I Can Be.” Today I’m still striving so it all applies except that I’m no longer taking classes. It was such a struggle and I wasn’t being successful that both my pdoc and my therapist requested that I drop out. […]

Questioning My Bipolar Diagnosis

Last week I shared that my pdoc has on my file that I have schizoaffective disorder. It was a surprise to me and I haven’t talked with him about it because he’s out sick. It was the doctor on call who mentioned it. After this news, I discussed it with my therapist, who was equally […]

Weekly Wrap-Up April 18, 2016

Celebration In case you missed yesterday’s post. This blog is now officially 8 years old! It’s been a fun ride and I plan to keep going. Mood One week I’m struggling with mania and the next I’m dealing with depression. I started the week feeling down and by Wednesday that all changed. I’ll spare you […]

Happy Birthday Blog!!!

On April 17, 2008 a little blog named “How is Bradley” made it’s debut. Since then the name has changed twice and I took two extended breaks, but 8 years later we’re still here with all posts intact. Thank you to all my readers. You’re the ones who make it fun and keep me going. […]

Still Love That Rich Creamy Stuff

Today’s Throwback Thursday is a post I made in May, 2008 Peanut Butter Will Be The Death Of Me The past few days my diet has been great and I’ve been getting good exercise by walking. I was looking forward to getting on the scale in a couple of days knowing that I had dropped […]

Schizoaffective disorder – Huh?

I went to my pdocs office Friday for my monthly appointment and to get my prescriptions, and I was surprised to learn something new. He has diagnosed me with schizoaffective disorder. I don’t remember ever discussing that. Doctor Rose Before my current pdoc, I saw another one who worked under him (They work at one […]


A word of warning…as you can see by the title, todays post is about hypersexuality and I will be speaking with honesty and candidness, as I do with all subjects. If this is going to be more info than you care to know about me, it’d probably be best to put your fingers in your […]

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