Category: bipolar disorder

Depression? Mania? Does it matter?

Last week, when I was strugging with depression, I had to ask myself “Are you really depressed or do you just have the blues?” When I’m having a day that I feel especially good I have to ask myself “Are you really feeling extra good or are you manic?” On the one hand I’d like […]


The past couple of posts I’ve referred to Maurice as being an amazing man. Only six months after moving in together my mental health began to deteriorate very quickly. Though it was early in our relationship, he didn’t run for the hills. He stayed by my side and helped in more ways than I can […]

What Makes Maurice so Amazing

Maurice and I met online. Our first date was like a dream. We spent the night laying on the beach under a full moon while we talked for hours. The night went perfect in every way and we both knew this was going to be more than a one night gig. We spent a lot […]


As usual, our minister will be on sabbatical this summer, which means we bring in guest ministers and speakers during that time.  I asked if I could take a Sunday and my wonderful minister said yes.  I’m so excited that I’ve already started on my sermon which is not until July.  The sermon topic?  – […]


I have friends who talk about how awful their pdocs (psychiatrist) are. They claim their pdoc never listens to what they say, and won’t make any med changes even when asked. It feels, at times, they are talking about Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.  I always felt lucky. The pdoc I first worked with, Doctor Lisa, would spend a […]

Where Do I Begin?

It’s been such a while, I have so much going on that It’s hard to decide where to start:  First:  My bipolar is more under control, but still not where I’d like it to be.  I still have manic days and depressive days, but the pendulum doesn’t swing towards manic as much as it use too. Despite the fact […]

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