Category: bipolar disorder

Time to get Back to Zombies

I’ve shared a couple of times before that I’m not much of a TV watcher. One of the few exceptions has been The Walking Dead. I don’t know why, but I’ve always had a penchant for apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic movies and shows. I used to be an avid fan of The Walking Dead, and a […]

Progress Not Perfection

Yesterday didn’t go as I had hoped. I took care of a few things that needed to get out of the way in the morning and then I sat my ass down to write. It was much more difficult than I had expected. Being a writer is strange. You love to do something you hate. […]

Damn! That Hurts

Grasping sore Hand

Damn it hurts doesn’t actually cut it. It’s more like Holy Shit That Hurts! It’s been going on for a couple of weeks now. My left fingers are numb and my palm hurts. At night when I’m trying to sleep is when it’s at its worst. I don’t like it when people diagnose themselves. If […]

I’m Losing It

When I decided to come back I was looking forward to an entirely different blog. I anticipated making this a breezy journal about the simple happenings in my day to day life. Sure, I planned to be honest about the ups and downs in my life, but had no intention for that to be the […]

Taking a Break

No, I’m not taking a break from the blog. I didn’t come back only to turn around and leave again. For now, and probably for awhile, I’ll continue to post several days each week. I’ll get to the break later in this post. I Didn’t Watch It Yesterday I debated whether to watch the debate. […]

What Is My Name & Other Stuff

My name is Brad. That’s it. It’s not Bradley. It’s not Bradford. It’s on my birth certificate and Social Security card as just plain old Brad. The original name when I started this blog in 2008 was How is Bradley? You’ll see all my posts, except for the most recent, tagged as being written by […]


I think I’ll be coming back…I never thought I would, but what do you know? I guess it’s a good thing I never deleted this blog. I’m coming back in a new way, though. From this point the blog won’t be entirely focused on bipolar/depression/anxiety or mental health in general. There may be days I […]

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