Category: bipolar disorder

My Bipolar Grab Bag

I keep ahandy list where I write blog ideas as they come to me. I Iog nearly every idea no matter how silly it may sound. Some ideas are ones I like, but when I attempt to write them, I find they just don’t have enough weight for a full blog post. So, today I decided […]

Things I’ve Had to Let Go

Sometimes life just doesn’t go the way it’s supposed to you want it to. For instance, I’m supposed to have Bradley Cooper’s looks, and Bill Gates’ money. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but I’m learning to accept that neither are, or will be, true. What can be harder to swallow are the hopes and […]

Blogging Time

If you’re looking for this week’s” Caption This” contest, you don’t need to worry. This week it’s being posted on Thursday. For now, kick back with some popcorn, enjoy this post and I’ll see you tomorrow for the contest. Blogging Time Not too long ago I posted my dilemma of juggling time to get things done […]

What If?

Have you seen the 1998 movie Sliding Doors? In the movie, Gwyneth’s Paltrow’s character, Helen, rushes to catch a train in London. It is at that moment that the movie splits in two parallel universes. One story follows Helen’s life as it would be if she reached the train. The other story follows Helen’s life, […]

Depression, Bipolar and Guilt – Throwback

Today’s Throwback is from January 2014: I feel guilty. Very guilty. What do I feel guilty for? That’s easy…damn near everything. In the June 6, 2012 edition of Forbes magazine, contributor Alice G. Walton states: Anybody who’s been depressed can tell you that feelings of guilt and self-blame can be overwhelming. In fact, the tendency […]

Caption This Reminder

Just a gentle reminder that the “Caption This” contest ends at midnight tonight. Here’s the pic and the rules. Once again, here are the rules: Put in the comments section what you think this weeks caption should be. If you post more than one caption, it is considered cheating, and that is okay with me. […]

Mister President – Throwback

A Reminder Just a quick reminder that all entries in the “Caption This” contest must be in my midnight tonight. Here’s a link to yesterday’s post for all the info you need. Caption This.   This Throwback Was Originally Posted in June 2008   President George Bush The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington […]

Easy Livin’ in the South Bay

Today I have the privilege of being a guest blogger for Jason, otherwise known as a Opinionated Man. For the month of July he has opened his blog for Project-H, which stands for Project Home. Project-H allows bloggers to open their lives and their homes to readers from around the world. I had a little […]

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