Category: bloggers

Writers Block

I normally wouldn’t post that I have nothing to write about… but I do have something to write about and that would be my inability to write.  There have been days that its been difficult, but this has been more so.  I’m suffering from a case of good old fashioned writer’s block.  In addition to struggling […]

Bring Change 2 Mind

I was aware that Glenn Close has a sister, and a nephew with mental illness and that Glenn is active in helping to erase the stigma of mental illness. What I did not know is that she is the founder of Bring Change 2 Mind which is a national anti-stigma campaign. (I’m sure many of […]

I’m The Face of Mental Illness

I love it when the smallest things take on a life of their own. That’s exactly what happened when Laura, of Mrs. Bipolarity, did an excellent post a few weeks ago titled Stigma Sucks Sunday: A Recap. The post was her response to the medias recent barrage of negative portrayals of those of us with […]

Blogs I Read

Hello to all my fellow bloggers out there (and to the civilian population as well.) I’ve finally begun starting a Blogroll, which you’ll see further down on the side listed as “Blogs I Read.” Many of you have been kind enough to place my blog on your list, but I have been unable to reciprocate. […]

Blog for Mental Health 2013

I pledge my commitment to the Blog For Mental Health 2013 Project. I will blog about mental health topics not only for myself, but for others. By displaying this badge, I show my pride, dedication, and acceptance for mental health. I use this to promote mental health education in the struggle to erase stigma. When […]

Where Did Everyone Go?

Time to conclude a post I made a few weeks ago…fewer blogs Regular readers of this blog know I took a “sabatacle” from it for a few years. When I felt the tug pulling me back in I was excited. I was excited to reconnect with all my old blogger friends: those who said they […]

It’s Good to Be Back

Yes, it is good to be back. I feel that so much has changed in my world since my earliest posts that this blog should reemerge with a fresh new look and feel. I hope ya’ll like  it  I missed my little blog here. I was shocked when I looked back and saw that this […]

Please Pardon The Dust

I’ll be playing with the layout, colors and logo for this blog over the next several days.  I figure that since I’m in the process of revitalizing it that maybe I should update the overall look.  What you see here one day may not be the same later.  I need something fresh and exciting, yet […]

Ignore what I just said.

Okay, okay.  Friends and family have convinced me not to shut down this blog.  I’ve agreed to post every day even if it’s just one short sentence.  Keep up with that and hopefully I’ll be back to my old blogging skills real soon. So here I am again.  This is my post for today.  Look […]

It’s Been That Long? Wow!

I was just looking at the years that I made posts.  (It’s located towards the bottom on the right).  I was shocked to see that I haven’t really been active in my blog since 2008.  I didn’t realize it had been that long.  I feel honored that so many people have emailed me and asked […]

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