Category: blogs

The Sun May be Setting


After ten years, and a couple of months, the sun may be setting on Insights from a Bipolar Bear. Obviously, I haven’t been posting much lately. It looks like the average has been about once a month. The reason, as most of you know, is because I’ve been working on a novel. I made the […]

I’m Trying To Comment, I Promise

For the past two days I have been unable to post comments on other blogs. A very small number have posted, but most completely vanish after I hit the “Post Comment” button. This has nothing to do with Comment Moderation. It is happening on sites that are moderated and those that are not. I am […]

Blogging Time

If you’re looking for this week’s” Caption This” contest, you don’t need to worry. This week it’s being posted on Thursday. For now, kick back with some popcorn, enjoy this post and I’ll see you tomorrow for the contest. Blogging Time Not too long ago I posted my dilemma of juggling time to get things done […]


Since I started this blog I’ve always been upfront and honest about my past, my disorder(s) and what’s going on in my life. I don’t want that to change. I prefer full honesty. Earlier today I published a post about my guilty pleasures In life. One of the items I listed had to do with […]

Blogs, I Need New Blogs!

Awhile back I asked for suggestions for humor blogs, but didn’t get much of a response. I’m hoping to get better feedback this time around because I’m open to blogs that have a broader appeal. What Types of Blogs am I Looking For? What kind am I looking for? Mental health, bipolar specific, humor, funny, […]

Searching For Must Read Bipolar Blogs

Back when I first started this blog eight years ago, there weren’t many of us. Just a relatively small group of bloggers sharing our experiences. We all supported each other through difficult times. Circumstances changed in my life and I was forced to shut down this blog for awhile. When I returned to blogging about […]

Seeking Blog Recommendations

Back in the old days before I took a break from blogging, I had a healthy list of blogs I read on a regular basis. Sadly many of them are gone for various reasons. I read once that the average lifespan of a blog is two years, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Since […]

When I Grow Up

I’m at that place again where I ask “What do I want to do when I grow up?” I’ve been asking that question my entire life. There were day, weeks, months and even years where I knew the answer to that question, while other times I didn’t have a clue. I’m kind of at that […]

Writing Still But Not So Easy

It’s been almost a week since I’ve written a post, which is unusual for me. I’m currently dealing with some nerve damage that makes writing extremely difficult, and painful, to type. I’m scheduled to see a neurologist in March, but hopefully will be back up and writing this blog before then. Until then, I invite […]

Blog For Mental Health

When I started this blog in 2008, I did it for my sanity…I did it for me. I was a complete mess, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and I was not properly medicated. I needed some creative outlet to express what was going on in my head – my feelings, lack of self esteem, […]

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