Category: depression medication

Slowly Killing Your Soul

merger, analysis, consult,dividends, recruitment, associates,implementation, strategic planning,productivity, restructure, outcome,negotiate, long-term, exemption,directive, recruit, gross, net,operational, recession, shareholders….lap tops, cell phones, i phones, Blackberries, raspberries, snozberries…. All the above summarizes what I saw and heard at the airport on my trip home last week. Mostly from stressed, angry looking people wearing expensive suits. I use to be […]

My Sad Baby Girl

My visit with my 11 year old daughter this week has been amazing. We’ve had so much fun doing things, but most of our fun has been talking and laughing. Today I reminded my little girl that tomorrow was the last day of my visit. She frowned, bowed her head and said “Oh no.” It […]

Oh How I Ache

I’ve been visiting my daughter in Nebraska and this is the 2nd day I’m here. I begin each day with a walk and today was no different. I was proud of myself because I walked twice as far as normal to go to Starbucks just to get an Internet connection. I’d forgotten that meant I […]

On The Road Again…

How is Bradley? Excited and nervous at the same time. Tomorrow I fly 1500 miles to visit my daughter in Nebraska. It’s been 1 1/2 years since I’ve seen her and she has grown so much since then. I can’t wait to see her and spend some one on one time as well as working […]

Seven Facts About Bradley

Lea at Ocean of Perspectives has tagged me to list seven facts about myself. While I’ve listed facts about myself before I found this one interesting because the format is different, so here it goes: WORK:Most of my career has been working in the hotel industry managing large reservation call centers. Currently I’m unemployed on […]

You Love Me, You Really Love Me

I generally don’t participate in MEME’s because there are so many of them, however, this one was bestowed upon me by two different bloggers I have a huge respect for so I couldn’t pass it up. I was first honored by Crotchety Old Man Yells at Cars. I will vouch that he is crotchety and […]

A Good Medical Study…FINALLY!

Let’s take a look at some government grants spent over the last several years: $750,000 for the Baseball Hall of Fame (I like baseball, but geesh) $70,000 for the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame in Appleton, Wis. (We’re planning a family reunion in Appleton just so we can all experience this exiting museum). I […]

My Serious Sunday Morning Questions

Apparently I’m in a melancholy mood this morning, because these are all questions that ran through my mind as I walked to the coffee shop this morning. So, today is my day to not be as light hearted as normal.Why is it I can be in the best mood, but when the wind blows in […]

I Am Not An Animal!

The story begins with Maurice going to the bank to make a deposit. He and a teller he knew were talking about me, how I’m doing and my medications. The teller who was helping him sympathetically asked what was wrong with me and he simply told her I’m bipolar. Her reaction was shock and terror […]

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