Category: depression medication

For Dad

When your ashes we’re scattered into the sea I remember the feeling of elation I had. It wasn’t because of you were dead, but because I knew the struggle was gone. The struggle to be good enough, the struggle to wish you to be the father I wanted you to be, the struggle to forgive. […]

Don’t Put That In Your Mouth!

Nothing witty.Nothing profound.Nothing interesting.Just a bad case of food poisoning.See you all on Monday. I’ll spare you all the details – I think you know most of them. But since I was so sick all day I have no idea what my mood was other than shitty. I have no idea what it wouldn’t have […]

Tag – I’m It

This is similar to the emails you receive, but this one I think is good. It gives a little information to get to know me a bit better and , more importantly, the opportunity to promote other bloggers that deserve the attention. I’ve been tagged by my friend Shiv. You know how this goes. Fill […]

It Wasn’t So Bad Afterall

So, major screw ups with the concert yesterday. Because last years concert was at 4pm, of course this year was at 2pm, right? Well, the choral group advised 2pm,but somewhere along the line I got some wires crossed and starting having it in my head as 4pm. I think it was when we copied last […]

The Concert From Hell

Today is the big day for the concert I arranged. How’s it going? Well, all the tickets and flier’s said 4pm when the concert is at 2pm. Today there was a beautiful write up about the concert with beautiful pictures and it said the concert is at 4pm. So I’ll be standing there at 4pm, […]

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