Category: depression medication

My World Gets Bigger and Bigger

I’m grateful for the meds I take that are making me a more productive member of society.  On the other hand, they keep taking me away from my safety zone.  As miserable as I was during my major bouts of depression at least my world was small.  I only had to worry about the world […]

The Great Experiment

In the past, before being on the correct meds, my Mondays were usually pure hell. We’re very active in our church so Sunday’s were always busy with committees and just sipping coffee and chatting with friends. Conversations were excruciating. When in a manic state people were talking excruciatingly slow, and I couldn’t concentrate on what […]

An Attitude of Gratitude

So, last week I was kind of a downer. I’ve been a bit on the downside for a few weeks now, I’d say. I see my pdoc in a couple of days and need to talk with him about that because we recently adjusted my meds because I was running too manic. I think we […]

If Only

If only I’d been kinder to Mom If only I pursued my degree earlier If only I’d kept my career with Marriott If only I spent more time with my daughter If only I could accept that people like me If only I’d come out of the closet sooner If only I’d had a good […]

When You Get Worse, Part II

The end of my blog post yesterday left me hanging by a thread trying desperately to find help for what I then thought was depression. I was reaching the point that I couldn’t stand it anymore, but every county mental health clinic I went to for help turned me away because they were backlogged. All […]

When You Get Worse

Once upon a time I was a young(er) lad who was having struggles getting help from the Los Angeles County mental health department. I was dealing with acute bouts of major depression, but, I was turned down again and again and again. Each of the clinics told me they were working with more clients than […]

The Best Bradley I Can Be

I’ve had many good things in my life. I have much to be grateful for. However, life has been hell. The confusion, memory loss, insecurities, manic episodes, depressive episodes and all the negative self talk made for some miserable times. I was relieved when I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Finally it had a […]

Born to be Alive

Despite a number of setbacks lately regarding my mood, I’m feeling great today…and had a pretty good yesterday too. I keep having to relearn that getting exercise and living healthier has a major impact on my disorder. It never goes away, I feel it at all times, but it doesn’t have its grasp on me […]

Crazies With Guns

“We have no national database of these lunatics… We have a completely cracked mentally ill system that has these monsters walking the streets.” — Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President NRA Don’t want what monsters, Mr LaPierre? What do you consider a lunatic? What mental illness would require an individual to be tracked to ensure we […]

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