So, I am getting a little writing done and a few other things, but for the most part my life is on hold. It’s frustrating because I don’t know what’s happening from one day to the next, but all I can do is keep holding on the best that I can and wait to see what happens.
Category: institutionalization
I Can’t Believe I’m Back So Soon
What the fuck is wrong with our world that when a person is at their lowest, they’re expected to walk over coals, jump through hoops and spin on their head to get help—only to be turned away?
Return to Involuntary Institutionalization?
In 1963 President Kennedy signed The Community Health Centers Act. The purpose of the Act was to deinstitutionalize the mentally ill and support them through community mental health clinics. The law drew enthusiastic bipartisan support. Fiscal conservatives were interested in saving funds by shutting state hospitals. Civil rights advocates believed that mental patients needed to […]