Category: mental illness


As usual, our minister will be on sabbatical this summer, which means we bring in guest ministers and speakers during that time.  I asked if I could take a Sunday and my wonderful minister said yes.  I’m so excited that I’ve already started on my sermon which is not until July.  The sermon topic?  – […]

Doing Better, Doing Worse

I still continue to struggle posting here on my  blog.  I’m so much better physically and mentally than I was during this blog’s early life.  Maybe that’s the problem.  Maybe artists, writers, etc. do their best work when life ain’t running so great.  I’d hate it if that is true.  I had sooo much fun […]

Another Day….

Well, I thought I was going to be able to post more today, but it looks like it’s not going to happen.  I’ve had so many updates on how Bradley is these days, but I just can’t put them all into words for now.  Too much going on and too depressed to express any of […]

Depression is Back Again.

Meh, pretty much describes my day today.   My pdoc and I have found a pretty good drug coctail that helps keep me in balance.  You’d think that I would have learned by now is that being on the meds doesn’t mean I’ll never be depressed or manic again.  The days that I seem perfectly balanced […]

Where Do I Begin?

It’s been such a while, I have so much going on that It’s hard to decide where to start:  First:  My bipolar is more under control, but still not where I’d like it to be.  I still have manic days and depressive days, but the pendulum doesn’t swing towards manic as much as it use too. Despite the fact […]

Issac Zamora and Societies Responsibility

Last Tuesday, September 2nd, a shooting spree took place in Washington state resulting in the deaths of six people. 28 year old Issac Zamora, a man with a history of mental illness, has been charged with the crime. According to the Seattle Times, Dennise Zamora, the suspect’s mother, said her son was “extremely mentally ill” […]

Dealing With Us

Loving a person who is bipolar can be difficult at times. I’ve seen many people who have a loved one who is bipolar handle it well. Unfortunately I frequently see some who do not handle it well. Below I’ve shortened a list of do’s and don’ts from the excellent Depression and Bipolar Alliance website, plus […]

Monkeys and Prarie Dogs

ScienceDaily is one of my favorite medical news sources on the internet. Yes, believe it or not, I do read important news items. Yesterday they reported on a study conducted by the HealthEmotions Institute and The University of Wisconsin that I found important. If you are like me, I’m deeply sorry in many ways. Among […]

Xtreme Blogging

Here and there some nosy so and so will ask how much time I spend online. It’s question that you’ll occassionally hear about television, but never seems to carry as much disdain. This is completely understandable since having intelligent conversation with people all over the world is much less important than some hack lounge singer […]

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