Changes Are Coming

David Bowie changes


Dare I say it…it’s big…I should resist, but I must be honest. Here it goes…I was never a David Bowie fan. There, I got it off my chest. I admitted I find Bowie to have been kind of meh. interestingly one of my favorite songs is by him. In fact, it’s right up there near the top of my all time favorite songs. It also happens to be apropos to this weeks post. The song is “Changes”.


I’m making some changes in my life, and they are likely to be reflected in changes to this blog. The name shall remain because I obviously still have bipolar disorder, and I’ll be sharing my insights. Where you will see changes is in the content. Going forward, I’ll be focusing more on the manuscript I’m writing, as well as my weight. Yeah, I’ve tried to focus on weight before, but this time I need to take it more seriously.

The Novel

I’ve talked about my novel off and on, but haven’t given many details. I don’t plan on giving out too much, but hopefully enough to generate interest. Eventually, I will be creating a website/blog specifically about the book, and I hope I can convince many of you to follow along. Here’s the link to my Amazon Authors Page. As you can see it’s an anthology that happens to have one short story I sold. This time next year, or soon after, my goal is you’ll see my novel in there too.


I don’t know exactly how much I’ve gained recently, but it has been too much and shows in every way, including my discomfort when I sit in a booth in a restaurant. Once I get weighed again, I’ll post it, as well as any progress I achieve. It’s hard to look back and see what a struggle this has been for so many years. I want to live to see my ’60’s, my 70’s, even my ’80’s and more. My current health status isn’t helping to make those goals a reality.

Bipolar Disorder

Yeah, I’m not cured, so bipolar will still play a prominent roll in this blog, it just won’t be as often. Until the day I am “fixed” it will hard for me to avoid the subject.

I don’t know how much I’ll be posting, but I’m promising myself it will be much more often. Not only because I have a good time, but I need to promote the hell out of this book. I hope the changes don’t keep you from stopping by.

11 comments on Changes Are Coming

  1. Checked out your Amazon author page! Congrats on having a story published and best of luck moving forward with your novel. It’s nice not to focus on Illness all the time. We are more than our diagnosis.

    1. Yeah, it’s kind of silly to have an authors page for just a short story, but it is good for the ego. I look forward to having many more up there as time passes.

      It most definitely is nice to not have to focus on my disorder. At no time am more at peace than when I’m writing…though, sitting on the beach watching pelicans glide along the water is a very close second.

  2. Right after I recover from the shock of you not loving Bowie, I’ll be happy to read you more often πŸ˜› Always a pleasure.

  3. I’m not going anywhere. You could write about one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eaters and I would read! πŸ™‚

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