Going Dark

lightswitch off

In my most recent post, several weeks ago, I said I may be closing this blog to focus on a new blog related to my writing. I decided I don’t have the time or energy to start a new one, yet I’ve made the very difficult decision to close “Insights From a Bipolar Bear” anyway.

I started this blog over ten years ago and I’m extremely proud. I know it helped me over the years to better understand what I was going through by sharing my experiences. In addition, the comments and emails from people who have thanked me validated I was helping others as well.

I’ve reached a new phase of my life. Although returning to school and attempting to work did not pan out, I believed that maybe going to work for myself might be possible. I chose to do something I love. This is something I learned from others. Despite what you see in movies and television, it’s extremely difficult to earn a living from writing. I know people who have written 30 books or more and are still working full time jobs, but it’s important I give it a try. Even if I don’t earn a living, I hope to still make a significant increase in my income. I’d love to come back in a year or two and say I’m no longer on disability.

I have two novels coming out this winter, and plan two more later in the year. Yes, I am busy, but am coping relatively well. If you’re interested, you can still follow my antics on social media and through my newsletter. I hope you will. I’ve posted them before, but here are the links again:

www.bradshreve.com (where you can sign up for my newsletter)

I don’t know how to express my gratitude to those who have stayed with me through the years, other than to say
Thank you!

9 comments on Going Dark

  1. Oh, it is a sad day. But I’m glad we can still follow you on social media. I’m happy for you that you’ve found your niche and you’re enjoying it. I’m impressed–4 books by the end of next year! You are busy! All the best to you, Bradley.

    1. I’m very egotistic, so I’m glad you’ll continue following. I’m excited to be moving forward at this point in my life, but it is a sad day.

    1. Thank you, Wil. I appreciate your comment. I’m still going through a grieving process for the decision I had to make, despite believing I made the right one.

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