It was nice to look out the window this morning and see real fog instead of smoke. It’s surprising how much smoke we’re getting since much of the fires have been contained, but I guess the fire crews still have plenty of work ahead of them.
I slept a lot yesterday. I mean a whole lot. With the emotional week I had it should come as no surprise. My body needed the rest. It worked.
Aside from sleeping, I honestly can’t remember what I did. I know I did a little social media. I know I did a little formatting on my current work in progress. I know I did a short recording session for the podcast, but that’s all I remember. Perhaps that’s all I did. I’m puzzled.
The Town Halls (Debates?)
I was about to finish up editing next weeks podcast episode when I realized Joe Biden’s town hall meeting was coming on. With there being no doubt who I’m voting for, I don’t know why I felt compelled to watch it. He did not disappoint. He was calm, answered questions and acted presidential. As for the other guy, who I watched later, well…he acted like Trump. No big surprise there. If there are really and truly undecides out there (of which I can’t imagine being more than five) all they need to do is watch both town halls to easily make a decision.
I’m still furious with NBC News for airing Trump’s Town Hall at the same time as Biden’s. Biden chose to adhere to the debate commission rule, Trump backed out, so Biden used that time for his town hall. Trump should never have been given the same time slot and be rewarded for being a petulant child, but NBC did. Bastards.
I didn’t watch Rachel Maddow last night, but apparently she went to great effort to ensure people understood MSNBC is not the same as NBC News. I didn’t listen to the details, but I’m fairly certain they are both run by the same corporation. If I’m wrong, please let me know.
Podcast Edits
All week, I’ve put off editing next week’s podcast. I should be doing them in the evening (like last night) but I didn’t, and now I have to spend valuable time today to get them done and ready to release on Tuesday.
My guest is Frank W. Butterfield who is always delightful and has plenty to say. The interview went a little long so I’ll have to find some areas to edit, though off the top of my head, I can’t think of any of the segment I want to cut out. Maybe I’ll find something that was repetitive, or maybe I’ll just have to go with a slightly longer episode than normal. My listeners have given me feedback that they get a little itchy if the show is longer than 45 minutes, but that may be how it goes.
I’m going to have to force myself to get most of the editing and promotional materials done on Sunday night to allow me to put all my effort into the novel. I’m working on it. The problem is that’s the last part of the weekend I get to spend with Maurice and I don’t like spending it with my earphones on while he’s watching TV.
Up until recently, the podcast did not get in the way of any of my weekday obligations, but that has not been true over the past few weeks. It’s been a real detriment to my other obligations.
I Did a Little More Research. I Couldn’t Help Myself
Yes, I tried very hard to stay away from my Uruguay fixation. The other day I posted on this blog three neighborhoods I think we’ll be interested in should we decide to move there.
Yesterday, I made the mistake of asking in a Uruguay Expat Facebook group what barrios people live in and why. I got a lot of responses that opened my eyes to other barrios that are worth looking into. I did check rental prices and found the ones in other areas are reasonable that look like nice communities.
Expats in the group are outrageously friendly. One sent me a message that he’ll be happy to give a tour of the city to help us become acquainted with each area. Of course, as I said, we’d probably live there a couple of months before making a decision, which will give us plenty of time to check out every area of the city, but it will still be nice to have someone get us oriented before we get started.
I hate to admit it. In fact, I’m ashamed to admit it. But, there’s a small part of me that wishes Trump will win the election so I know there will be no doubt we will move out of the U.S. Of course, this is extremely selfish of me. It’s the emotional part of my brain taking over the logical side of my brain. Now that it looks likely Biden will win, I know it will be harder to convince Maurice we should look more closely anyway. Don’t get angry at me. I did say only a VERY SMALL, selfish side of me, hopes for a Trump victory and I admit it’s me being selfish.
Maurice said to me the other day that, “Even if ‘IT’ wins again, I need to accept the reality that it will likely be a year before we’re able to move. The fact he said “Even if” gives me a little hope that he’s giving it more consideration.
I still am in love with the tiny house idea and finding a place to settle in the U.S., but I’m not as enthusiastic as I was. Each week I used to get very excited when a new episode of “Living Big in a Tiny House” released a new episode on YouTube. Now I’m just kinda “meh.”
Getting Some Words Out
With the weekend here, I hope to get as many words out today as I can. With the podcast editing I’m doing, and a scheduled Zoom call, I’m not sure how much I’ll get done. I’ve “officially” made a decision to write every day no matter what. I may not reach my 2,000 word daily goal. I may not even come close. There may be days I get no more than a sentence out. But, to keep in the groove and stay connected (or reconnect) with my next novel, I believe its critical.
The other day when I said I was disconnecting from my story, a Facebook friend suggested I play music that relates to the character you’re writing about. Not listen to it while writing, which I find impossible, but to listen before I get started. Mitch O’Reilly and I share an equal love for Nirvana, so I think I need to give it a try. Even if it doesn’t work, I’ll never complain about hearing some of their music.
My Favorite
To wrap up this post I’m going to give you a little Nirvana to listen to. I never disliked the song below, but didn’t understand it, until I learned the name. Knowing that Kurt Cobain had bipolar disorder, when I learned the name of the song is Lithium, it all came together and I connected in a big way. It’s almost as if he got in my brain.
Enjoy the song. Even if you don’t enjoy it, try and look at it from my perspective. Maybe it will help to understand.
Another positive blog. Go you, Brad! 2,000 words a day is a satisfying goal. Sometimes I’m happy with just 500, but it’s good to have a benchmark. Just don’t beat yourself up if you don’t reach your 2k every day ♥
for some reason, wordpress logged your favourite Aussie friend in as anyonymous. lol. Guess you realised that post was from me.
Actually, I’m glad you posted that it was you. I’m glad I sounded positive. I’m trying very hard not to sound negative all the time. If things are really shitty, I’ll be honest about it. But it’s bearable for now.