My name is Brad. That’s it. It’s not Bradley. It’s not Bradford. It’s on my birth certificate and Social Security card as just plain old Brad. The original name when I started this blog in 2008 was How is Bradley? You’ll see all my posts, except for the most recent, tagged as being written by […]
Pondering in the Early Morning

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I’m not sure exactly why, but Saturday was stressful so I took a couple naps. Despite how groggy I am, my body must think I’ve had enough sleep. Most mornings, when I wake up so early, I go for a 4 – 6 mile walk. Today I wasn’t […]
Have You Heard What Brad’s Been Doing?

Some of this may be repetitive. I can’t remember what I’ve shared before with my on again off again posts I’ve done for awhile, so I’m going to give the quick and dirty here. So here we go… Writing One of the primary reasons, if not the primary reason, I left this blog after ten […]

I think I’ll be coming back…I never thought I would, but what do you know? I guess it’s a good thing I never deleted this blog. I’m coming back in a new way, though. From this point the blog won’t be entirely focused on bipolar/depression/anxiety or mental health in general. There may be days I […]
Accepting Limitations Sucks

Things are going great, but I’m struggling with accepting limitations that I have. I had some grand ideas that I was excied about and now I know
My Life is on Delay

So, I am getting a little writing done and a few other things, but for the most part my life is on hold. It’s frustrating because I don’t know what’s happening from one day to the next, but all I can do is keep holding on the best that I can and wait to see what happens.
I Can’t Believe I’m Back So Soon

What the fuck is wrong with our world that when a person is at their lowest, they’re expected to walk over coals, jump through hoops and spin on their head to get help—only to be turned away?
Going Dark

In my most recent post, several weeks ago, I said I may be closing this blog to focus on a new blog related to my writing. I decided I don’t have the time or energy to start a new one, yet I’ve made the very difficult decision to close “Insights From a Bipolar Bear” anyway. […]
The Sun May be Setting

After ten years, and a couple of months, the sun may be setting on Insights from a Bipolar Bear. Obviously, I haven’t been posting much lately. It looks like the average has been about once a month. The reason, as most of you know, is because I’ve been working on a novel. I made the […]
Why Must This Keep Happening?

Once again, I got cocky until my disease kicked me in the ass. I never thought I was cured of bipolar disorder, but I thought I had it all under control. This has happened many times before, yet I fall for it nearly every time. Things had been going well for me. It’s been […]