“The worst thing for me about manic-depression is that it is simply free-floating. You can have no reason whatsoever, and yet you are in the depths of an inarticulatable sadness and grief and self-hatred. – Richard Dreyfuss
What the F*ck is Wrong With Saying Sh*t?
I hate the word fuck. It also happens to be one of my favorite words. Whether I love it or hate it, depends on how it’s used. It is my humble opinion that it is used far too often. A Touch of History It’s been interesting watching the progression of swear words on TV over […]
Weekly Wrap-Up January 23, 2016
Mood Well, the good news is I had no extremes last week. I was well balanced except for a horrible cold. It, and the meds I was taking, kept me down most of the time. I did get lonely a lot, which I should be use to since writing is a lonely sport, but my […]
Goodnight Mr. President
Drunk Bipolar Kids – Throwback Thursday
This weeks Throwback is from June 2008. I Became a Juvenile Delinquent It began on a warm summer day in a field in Pennsylvania. It was 1974 and I was 10 years old. Dana, who lived across the street, was around 17. (No, there will be no Mrs. Robinson story here. Remember, I am gay). […]
Wednesday’s Quote: Melody Moezzi
Wednesday’s Quote is a series of posts I ran several years ago and decided to bring back. I will be posting new quotes, as well as some I’ve used before. Let me know if you enjoy them. “Telling someone who is manic that she’s manic is like telling a dictator that he’s a dick. Neither […]
The End of a Winning Streak Two and three weeks ago, things were simply marvelous. No depression, no hypomania, no mania, no anxiety. Once again, I felt like I’d been cured. Well, I’m definitely not cured. While I’m thrilled to say that that for the third week in a row I have experienced no depression […]
Weekly Wrap-Up January 16 , 2016
Mood Three weeks in a row of having no mania or depression…Woo Hoo! Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for my anxiety. I was a mess. I’ll share more about my anxiety tomorrow. As I said last week, I’ve joined the Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge, with my goal to read twenty-seven books in a year. […]
What Are Your Beliefs? Throwback
Today’s throwback is from January 2009. One of my favorite websites is Beliefnet It’s a treasure trove of information about all the major worlds religions. It’s an especially good place to go if one is searching for others who may fall within your same religious beliefs. My favorite part of Belief.net is the Belief-O-Matic. […]
Cookie Theory
Today’s guest blogger is Janet, whose blog is Bipolar Me. Many of you are probably already familiar with Spoon Theory (and if you’re not, go here and read it: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/wpress/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/). The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino – But You Dont Look Sick? support for those with invisible illness or chronic illness www.butyoudontlooksick.com Please […]