Price Tags, Toe Tags, Name Tags

You’ll find none of the tags listed in the title here, but I’ve been tagged by several of my blogger friends out there. I’m getting so many that I don’t think I can do anymore, but here goes:

First, this one is different than most and one that I am honored to receive. Shiv has awarded me as a “Flower Smeller” I was one of five he awarded the badge from “Smell the Flowers”. The description of the award from their blog:

This badge serves to acknowledge others who are, in their own way, smelling the flowers. They maybe regular visitors to this blog, one of our founders blogs or someone that could contribute here who is yet to visit! Maybe they have recovered from an illness, written a book, made waves in the blogosphere, won the lottery, made a major shift in their life, won promotion, quit the rat race, raising a family, discovering their greatness and on it GO!s as more examples from around the world start to surface. They may not even have an online presence at all – that’s where this award differs!

We’d like to present the honourary title of Flower Smeller to the following 5 who have either contributed to this community since the founders have been on board, have recently grabbed our attention in the blogosphere or are smelling their flowers in life in general.

For more information about the award, go to the Go Smell the Flowers! blog.

Thank you, Shiv. I have much respect for you based on your writing and I’m honored to be a recipient.

Following are the five bloggers I am awarding the “Flower Smeller” award. Each is a must read for me each day due to their inspiration, humor or art, or all of the above.

1. Dani at Moms Crazy Life

2. Untreatable at Untreatable’s Blog

3. Chica at Conversations In My Mind

4. Kathryn at Longing to be a Woman

5. Kelly at Thoughts From My Cluttered Mind

Recipients of the award should go to the awards page for more info.

Next is a MEME tag that I’ve received before. This time it was sent to me by the always hysterical Clinically Clueless. Since I was tagged with it before, I hope I’ll be forgive for a quick cut and paste.

1) what was the best moment of your life?
The day, and minute my daughter was born. A moment that makes me smile every time I think about it.

2) if you could pick a superpower what would it be?
The ability to turn invisible. I’m very nosy.

3) if there was one thing that you could do, with no limits of any kind what, would it be?
Travel. I’d love to see every part of the world.

4) whats the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
When I was a child I use to dream regularly about a foot that was chasing me. That’s all, just a foot. Each night the story continued where the last left off, just like a television series.

5) what is the weirdest thing about you?
I have anosmia, which is the inability to smell. People have a hard time comprehending it, but as the website for the Anosmia Foundation says, “Anosmia is to smell, as blindness is to sight, or deafness is to hearing.”

6) whats your favorite self made philosophy?
“There’s nothing sadder than a person who chooses to live miserable as a victim and never understands the misery is their own choice.”

7) what (if any) question has been the most annoying unanswered question of your life?
Does reincarnation exist.

8) Why do you blog?
It’s cathartic to me to be open and honest about my disease, and not in the closet about it. In addition I hope to educate those who have not been diagnosed with a mental illness.

This one now goes out to three friends which are:

1. Kimala at ReSLience

2. Rhonda at Captured Memories

3. The Unstable Blogger at This is Uncensored Territory Baby!

This last one is probably not interesting at all for those who don’t blog, but for those of us who are bloggers, it can help with our search rankings. I first received this from my friend, Girl Blue, at Rantings and Ramblings and later from Shiv.

At this point I’m suppose to include 5 people on to the list, but I just can’t do it. I’m including it so I’ll at least add links to the people on the list.

The Strategist Note Book
The Classy Life
Agenc Was Here
When Life Becomes a Book
The Haven

The FireWalker

Marketing Myself
Brawny Hunk

Super Hero Extraordinare
Everyday should be Christmas
The Gadget Guru tech
Available Light

Dad’s Dish
What Goes Under the Sun
One Quart Low
Stephan Miller
Mental Poo

Search for Blogging
Angel Baby
The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery

Olga the traveling bra
Concept is addict

Into the Rabbit Hole
Smile! Tomorrow could be a lot worse!
Wicked Whispers
Anand’s blog

A Mind Boiling Over
Discorax’s House of Woot
Blogging from the Bog
Shiv’s Brain
Secret Spiritual Dance

Jay’s Art & words
Meryine’s Spandomism
Clinically Clueless
Bipolar Swirl
How Is Bradley?

Catatonic Kid
Writing To Survive
The Hopeful Borderline
Thoughts and Musings of a Girl… Interrupted

Sorry if I’m going to be a party pooper, but that’s all the tagging I’ll be able to do for awhile. Btw, is it really sad that I worked on this post late on a Friday night?

4 comments on Price Tags, Toe Tags, Name Tags

  1. You are a great sport. No, one could ever call you a party pooper…maybe pooped out from tagging. Wasn’t that an exhausting child’s game and not the graffiti stuff. TOE TAGS…!!!!

  2. A big CONGRATS to your from all at GO! Smell the flowers – we’ve been checking out your blog since you were awarded this and you’ve made it into our Flower Smeller blogroll!Congrats and keep on smelling those flowers and writing from the heart as you do….Cheers, GO! Smell the flowers

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