I’m doing something a little different this week. Instead of posting one quote, I decided to post this wonderful tribute to Vincent Van Gough. I’ve posted this before, but those of you who know my passion for Vincent shouldn’t be surprised that I decided to post it again. I’m sure I’ll post again in the […]
Tag: bipolar
Just a guy sharing the wacky world of bipolar disorder, the humbling experience of getting in shape and some random thoughts sprinkled in
Loneliness has been bugging me lately. It’s a strange thing. I believe, in most peoples head, the word “loneliness” conjures up a picture of a person sitting alone in a room feeling sad. That’s fair. But, someone wiser than me once said, “There’s nowhere more lonely than a crowded room.” I can’t remember who said […]
The House Husband
A couple of weeks ago I dropped the only class I was taking. I dropped it because I failed to turn in an essay and chose to withdraw from the class rather than get a low grade. It was my professor’s suggestion, actually. What he didn’t know, however, is that I’m on academic probation. I […]
Wednesday’s Quote: Jane Pauley
I think I’ve posted this before, however, I think it applies to so many of us bloggers that it bears repeating: A diagnosis is burden enough without being burdened by secrecy and shame. – Jane Pauley
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Last week I mentioned that due to a series of panic attacks I did not get an essay turned in, so I did the math and determined that the best final grade I was capable of was a “C”. I discussed this with my professor and he encouraged me to drop the class and take it […]
Wednesday’s Quote: Melody Moezzi
“Telling someone who is manic that she’s manic is like telling a dictator that he’s a dick. Neither is going to admit it, and both are willing to torture you to prove their points.” – Melody Moezzi, Haldol and Hyacinths: A Bipolar Life
Still Gaining
I just got home from Weight Watchers and once again I’m not happy. I gained another 2.8 lbs. I’m now at a total of 58 lbs. lost. Sounds great except at one point I was at 90 lbs. total lost. (sigh) You may recall that I gave all my bigger clothes to Goodwill and had bought inexpensive […]
Good to be Back
Where the hell have I been? Good question. I’ve been busy juggling the various aspects of my life and not doing a very good job of it. It’s been odd not having read or written any blog articles for a couple of weeks. It’s good to be back. Well kinda. An update regarding my depression. […]
Sick and Tired
It’s been a difficult ride lately. I’ve been sharing for a long time now that I’ve been dealing with depr3ssion. I mean, yeah, I live with it daily, but it’s been beating me beyond normal wear and tear. I met with my therapist on Wednesday and we discussed this. He was surprised that I have been unsuccessful getting my […]
Wednesday’s Quote: Elizabeth Wurtzel
“That’s the thing I want to make clear about depression: It’s got nothing at all to do with life. In the course of life, there is sadness and pain and sorror, all of which, in their right time and season, are normal—unpleasant, but normal. Depression is an altogether different zone because it involves a complete […]