I swore I wasn’t going to abandon this blog and I meant it, however, I haven’t posted anything in nearly two weeks. Does this mean I’m not sticking by my word? Nope. I’m just having difficulty adapting to the changes in my life. As usual, I’m having difficulty with my time management. As my regular […]
Tag: bipolar
Just a guy sharing the wacky world of bipolar disorder, the humbling experience of getting in shape and some random thoughts sprinkled in
Experiencing Technical Difficulties
I’ve received emails from some of you that are concerned I’ve abandoned my blog. No worries, I plan to stick around for a good long while. I’m experiencing difficulties with my web host provider. After many years of being a very happy customer, they’ve been letting me down for the past few weeks. I’ve been […]
Binge Watching, Depression and Isolation
I love binge watching. In our home we choose not to have cablevision, so if Maurice and I decide to follow a series we have to watch it on Netflix. If we find we like a show we begin binge watching. For those of you who have not heard of binge watching, it is viewing […]
I’ve posted this video before, but I never get tired of it. Mary Lambert is my new idol. In my opinion, she ranks right up there with Carrie Fisher.
Fitness Update January 26, 2015
It dawned on me that it has been awhile since I’ve written one, but I was shocked to find that I haven’t done one since October. So here for you is my latest, and extremely frustrating, fitness update: Why a Fitness Update on a Bipolar Blog? As much as I am grateful for the meds […]
Being a Writer
As I said I was going to do, I quit school, cut back on volunteer obligations and have shifted all my focus on being a writer. As some of you may recall, I made those decisions based on feedback from both my pdoc and my therapist. I was struggling in school and due to some […]
The Truth About Anxiety
I try very hard to not be political on this blog, however, there was a statement made yesterday by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky that is impossible to ignore. I will try and make this post about the man and his comments, but that may be difficult since he’s a likely candidate for President in […]
Time Management
My time management sucks! This is not a new topic here. I’ve posted several articles about this in the past. Just recently, as a matter of fact. As long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with time management. Habitually late, homework, essays, projects and reports all past due. I’ve always felt I had more things […]
Post-Holiday Depression
I’m struggling right now. Had fun on both Thanksgiving and Christmas and a wonderful, quiet New Year’s Eve playing games with friends. I’ve read and heard many ideas how to keep the holiday blues away, but the holidays have never been a problem for me. In fact, I love Christmas. I struggle, as I am […]
Return to Involuntary Institutionalization?
In 1963 President Kennedy signed The Community Health Centers Act. The purpose of the Act was to deinstitutionalize the mentally ill and support them through community mental health clinics. The law drew enthusiastic bipartisan support. Fiscal conservatives were interested in saving funds by shutting state hospitals. Civil rights advocates believed that mental patients needed to […]