Tag: blogging

Where Have all the Bloggers Gone?

Until a few years ago, this blog was named How is Bradley. The other day I stumbled on that old site and was surprise to find it still there. All the original posts had been transferred here to Insights from a Bipolar Bear, but I believed all along that I shut down the original site […]

Seeking Guest Bloggers

I need some guest bloggers. I’ve had only a few guests write articles for me and I’d like to change that. I don’t expect it to be only about bipolar disorder – it can be most any type of article related to mental health. Hell, I’d be happy to entertain the idea that it be […]


I refuse to accept that I can’t take two classes and write a blog without killing myself in the process. The quote above is from a recent article I posted. Regular readers know I’ve been struggling with time management and generally feeling overwhelmed. I’ve been trying to balance college classes, blog writing, some volunteer work […]

Stigma Fighters Guest Post

Recently I was given the honor of being asked to submit a guest post to Sarah Feder’s excellent blog Old School/New School Mom. Sarah’s blog runs a series called Stigma Fighters which features real life stories about people living with mental illness. You can view my submission here: Bradley S. From her blogs bio, Sarah […]

When I Grow Up

I’m at that place again where I ask “What do I want to do when I grow up?” I’ve been asking that question my entire life. There were day, weeks, months and even years where I knew the answer to that question, while other times I didn’t have a clue. I’m kind of at that […]

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