The Name Game: Win A Prize


It’s time to play the name game!  I’m considering changing the name of this blog.  One reason is I hope to post more frequently about mental health news and information rather than the focus to be all centered on me.  Oh. I’ll keep posting about my personal exploits, I’m way too self-centered to let that change, I’ll just be posting more often.

The other reason I’m looking at making a change is “How is Bradley” doesn’t tell the casual net surfer anything this blog is about.  I know my reaction would be, “Who is Bradley and why do I care how he is?”  I’ve thought and I’ve thought.  I’ve come up with some great options, but when I Googled them, I found the names had already been taken.  Therefore, I’m tossing it out to all of you.

The rules are simple:  The words depression and bipolar must be in the title and the title can’t be too long. You can submit your entry in any of the comment sections this week and your submission must be posted by 12 noon on Saturday , January 4 .  You may submit as often as you’d like.

As an added incentive, the winner will receive a $10 gift ecard for Amazon.

Put on your thinking caps and show me what you’ve got.  I look forward to reading your entries.  I hope some of you make me laugh.

11 comments on The Name Game: Win A Prize

  1. 1. Depression and Bipolar Disorder: A life’s Struggle.
    2. Life with Depression and Bipolar Disorder: My Quest for Freedom.
    3. Finding My Life’s Path Among Depression and Bipolar Disorder.
    4. Battling the Demons of Depression and Bipolar Disorder.
    5. Depression and Bipolar Disorder: My Life Exposed.
    6. Staying Afloat: My Life with Depression and Bipolar Disorder.

    I’ll keep my thinking cap on.

  2. You’re right. It might be hard to create a good catch phrase title with the words depression and bipolar in it though. I’ll keep thinking.

  3. I’m sorry to have missed this run of posts…. I was too busy being miserable! If it was me, I might have simply said “My Biplor Depression”

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