This is Where I Bid Adieu


Since 2008 I’ve been consistent of one thing with this blog, and that is shutting it down every couple of years. It’s not something I plan ahead. For one reason or another I found it necessary to do so. It breaks my heart. But, it’s time to do it again.

As most of you know, I’m writing a novel and I’m finding it difficult to keep up with the novel and this blog at the same time. It’s not a time issue. I’ve been good at writing the blog on the weekends and my manuscript during the week. The problem is anxiety. I’ve been dealing with anxiety more over the past year than I have in the recent past. Obligations are difficult for me. My manuscript is a heavy obligation and this blog is a heavy obligation. To put it simply, my primary obligation, my novel, is more difficult because of my obligation writing this blog. It was a difficult decision.

So far, I’ve always returned to the blog after I take a break, and I guess this will likely be the same. I don’t know whether I’ll post about once a month, if the spirit moves me, or if I will take a complete hiatus and write no posts until I return. I’m going to play it by ear. Either way I won’t be around much. For you other bloggers out there, I will try and stay in touch reading your blogs as much as I can.

Thank you to all my readers.


54 comments on This is Where I Bid Adieu

    1. I know. I feel especially bad for several people who just started following my blog. Just keep me on your radar and you’ll see me back from time to time

  1. We have to take care of ourselves first. I’ll miss you, but I understand. I hope the break is helpful and you find new creativity in your novel!

  2. Brad, thanks for being an incredible human being. It’s a good thing to keep your priorities straight. I can’t speak for all your readers, but I know I for one will miss you’re regular posts. But, please don’t shut the blog down entirely! There’s value to the community you’ve build around you if you keep the posts you’ve already written accessible. You’ve provided those of us struggling with similar issues a place to congregate, and more importantly the solace of shared experience and the strength that comes from that solidarity. If there’s anything I can do to help support your efforts, now or in the future, please let me know. Until then, please keep in touch, and I look forward to talking again soon! And, I can’t wait to read that novel!

    1. I definitely won’t be shutting down entirely. I’m keeping it for when I do return full time and maybe some posts in between. Thank you for all the kind words and I look forward to your feedback when the book is published

    1. You will get to read it some day. You’ve stuck with me for a long time and that means a lot.

    1. I will be back, but not sure how soon. At the rate it’s been going, it may take another 10 years to complete. lol

  3. As the others above have said, you will be SORELY missed. That is, of course, until we all get the opportunity to read your novel. We look forward to celebrating all of your writing success, B. But be well away from the blogosphere for awhile. We hope you’ll reappear here, now and then, and remember us!

    1. You’ll definitely see me around in one form or another and will definitely remember you all

  4. You will be sorely missed, but I understand the anxiety surrounding obligations. I went through it a lot while in college, and found that I periodically simply had to take a semester off to screw my head back on. Your novel is your priority right now, and you’ll probably find that you’ll have less anxiety if you take one thing at a time. I hope you come back, though, as I really enjoy reading about how you handle this little friend called Bipolar. Take care of yourself.

    1. Good points, Jennifer. I always think I can do more than I can then end up crashing and burning. That’s what I’m trying to prevent this time.

  5. I’ll miss you. Glad you are taking care of you. Looking forward to your return if that is to come. Best wishes to you, Bradley.

  6. I’m going to miss you. But I completely understand the need for time away. Anxiously awaiting your return. xoxo

    1. It may be even sooner than that. When I finally complete the first draft, I’ll consider whether it’s time yet or not

  7. I will miss you tons! I always look forward to your posts. But I’m also glad that you are taking care of yourself–that’s most important. Take care, Bradley. I’ll keep an eye out for when you return.

  8. I’ll miss you, Bradley, but I understand you need to take some time for yourself. I do hope you continue to post. Good luck with your book!

  9. Prioritizing keeps us healthy and from over-doing it. I think I may have learned that lesson over and over, and it still hasn’t totally sunk in. Of course you will be missed by the blogging community, but it sounds like you plan to come back PLUS have a novel on the way. I have always admired you for the tenacious way in which you chase your dreams. Until next time! ((hugs))

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