
I’ve got to accept it. I feel better when I eat meat, I lose weight faster, have more energy and have much better bowel movements (I’m sure you’re excited to know that).

Anyone who’s read the book “Eat Right for Your Blood Type” won’t be surprise. I am type O blood which according to the book says I should eat a meat diet. The book, for those who don’t know it, explains what type of diet you should eat based on your blood type. The science behind it seems kinda wishy washy. OK, not kinda…it seems very wishy. There’s plenty of doctors who have spoken about the absurdity of this book. So far, though, I haven’t found a single person who’s followed the book and hasn’t lost weight and generally felt better.

So, short and sweet today. Whether the book is correct or not, I’m really torn. I’m torn between feeling better and what I believe based on moral and philosophical grounds. I know where I’m leaning at this point but I’m struggling with the answer.

I’ve been a vegetarian off and on for many years but it just doesn’t seem that my body wants me to be. I’ll share more later in the week, but for now I’m torn.

9 comments on Torn

  1. Bradley,Oh do I understand! I have been vegetarian or even vegan off and on for years but can never sustain it. Without meat I am just tired, depressed, hungry all the time but yet lose weight. I feel horrible eating animals or even fish but sure don’t do well healthwise when I don’t … I have tried to make sure I am getting plenty of vegie protein, amino acids etc. and it still doesn’t seem to work for me for very long. I don’t know the answer just thought I would share that your post really resonated.Tamara

  2. @Bradly. I feel for you with your weight and diet issues, but not everyone is made the same. If your bowel are unhappy, that is a sign of an unhappy diet. (I have no issues talking about almost anything…almost, the social worker in me, you get jaded). My suggestion is to listen to what your body is saying except for those sweet cravings which really isn’t your body now, is it? You also know that messing with your diet is going to impact how your body metabolizes your medications and how you feel in general? Thinking about you, Clueless.

  3. Hey, Brad. Do you think you could put a warning on the video next time…it was a bit vulgar to me and I wasn’t in a place to handle it. I hope I’m not being too sensitive. If I am, just let me know.

  4. As a long time meat eater, I say this. Meat. Is. Good. While I’m not here to discuss the ethical issues from a physiological standpoint a diet involving healthy meat is good for the body in the long term. Overindulging is where it becomes a problem.

  5. @ CC,It never dawned on me that anyone would consider it vulgar. After looking back on it I guess I see what you’re saying but probably wouldn’t change it. I’ll certainly do so when it’s more obvious to me and thank you for pointing it out. @Topolk. I’m still not convinced meat is good, but it is seems to be good for me. Being in So Cal where every buffet requires vegetarian and vegan substitutes I know plenty of people who are extremely healthy and active on a veggie diet. I think people are all just different.

  6. Morning Bradley…for me the easiest and quickest way to lose weight is to eat protein, fruits and veggies and absolutely no starchy carbs…but I feel awful when I eat this way so I have to add the starchy carbs and it feels as though all I have to do is look at rice, bread etc and I gain weight…may be I should read your book? Enjoy your day…Cheers

  7. Brad,Thanks…I know that I am really sensitive right now though.About your diet, you live in one of the best possible areas to live well on a vegetarian diet. I know one that that works that kills me. To stay away from snacking, exercise, reduce/eliminate simple carbs and simple sugars. Scary thought isn’t it!!!!

  8. I’ve struggled with my weight ever since ever… especially after I had my kids. The only real success I had with weight loss was with a high protein diet or a program called Isagenix. Both solutions were totally successful – and Isagenix is vegetarian – but neither solution was long term. I just didn’t have the discipline to continue it after 1 1/2 years – would have been 2 this summer. But my problem is I love food – all kinds of food – and yes, sadly, even meat. Your book sounds good though Bradley. I’m going to check it out.

  9. Every now and then I think about going vegetarian, but to be honest I can’t live without my odd meat meal. Plus I do consider it to be a very important part of my diet.~Shiv

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