Uncle Bradley

Uncle Bradley has received much positive feedback regarding his advice and will therefore make “Uncle Bradley’s Words of Wisdom” a regular Friday feature. He can’t do it without you. Be sure to send any questions you may have to him to help keep his column running. You can either post messages in the comments area or by clicking the send email button.

What do you think of the Uncle Bradley column? Good? Bad? Indifferent?

10 comments on Uncle Bradley

  1. I read you every day, but don’t hardly comment. I do like your Uncle Bradley column very much and look forward to reading it on Fridays.

  2. GOOD!Pink Shirt story (re your pic) I have one my partner gave me. Hate it! Wore it one day to visit a sick friend (at partner’s suggestion) figuring no one else would see me. Came home to a surprise birthday party. In THAT shirt.

  3. Enjoyed reading your posts =)..Kinda agree with the idea..Looking to read more of your posts..Hey, if interested to have a link exchange with me, please just leave a comment at my blog or email me..thanks!!

  4. hi,im looking forward to reading what uncle bradley has to say.where can i send my questions for uncle bradley?sorry im new to blogging so i dont really know how things work just yet.can i subsribe to your post?thanks

  5. Hi Life, Marriage and Kids,You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the orangish button in the top right of the front page.You can place any questions here if you’d like. If you prefer to be anonymous then you can send the questions to my email at bradley@howisbradley.com

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