Weekly Wrap-Up August 29, 2016

Weekly Wrap-up


Odd week for me. I was in just a meh state at the beginning of the week, but by the end I nearly had an anxiety attack. I received a letter from Medi-Cal saying my benefits were ending on August 31 (3 days from now) because I didn’t send in the paperwork they needed to continue my eligibility. The paperwork was simple and was sent in so I have no idea why they didn’t get it. Maurice was out of town so I was totally freaked out. It kept me up for hours that night. The letter said if I signed up for a hearing that my benefits would continue until the hearing was over. Whether they continue after that would depend on how the hearing went, of course. My concern was/is getting this all straightened out and scheduling my hearing before I have to buy new meds.

I showed the letter to Maurice when he got home and he shrugged it off and said I get that letter every year. He said he always ends up calling my case worker who informs him my paperwork was probably just lost in all the papers on her desk. He’s much more confident this is no big deal than I am. My memory, however, is extremely poor so he is probably right. I’m trusting him that this will be straightened out, but am seriously concerned about the timing. As I said, if we can’t get this taken care of in time, my meds will run out. Because all my meds together costs between $1,000 and $1,500 per month, there is no way we’ll be able to pay for it ourselves. I’m trying to stay in a place of acceptance, but I’m not doing very well. Several of my meds are dangerous to quit cold turkey and I’m not in the mood to have a heart attack anytime soon.

Weight and Fitness

Weight on Aug 20 – 256.4
Weight on August 20 – 259.0
Total gain = 2.6 lbs.

Eat, eat, eat. It’s that simple. I was out of control, Maurice was out of control and other friends I spoke with were out of control. There must be something in the air. Perhaps there’s something leaking from the Exxon/Mobil processing plant nearby. They always seem to be having some kind of trouble.


Still haven’t gotten much writing done, but pleased with my week anyway. Did a lot of studying the mystery genre as well as male/male genre and how the two work together. I have a lot to say about that in tomorrow’s post, so I’ll just leave it at that for now.


Difficult week to judge. I’ll give it a C -, which I think is generous.

***Good News Bad News Update*** Got through to my caseworker and they did receive my info in time about 10 day ago, which is plenty of time before it was due. However, it’s going to take awhile to process, so it may not be processed in time before my meds are due. She said they’ll do the best they can. This is ridiculous.

16 comments on Weekly Wrap-Up August 29, 2016

  1. I would have been freaked out too. Things like that completely overwhelm me and I begin obsessing over it until I have sorted it out. I hate being so stressed over things like this. Hang in there and listen to Maurice. He is able to see it clearly when you are distressed. It’ll get sorted out soon.

    1. Yeah, I’m a little better…just a little. I’m going to send in the request for a hearing even though Maurice says it’s not necessary…just to put my mind at ease. The problem is my meds will run out before it’s processed..oh,, hear I go again. You’ve read this already, LOL

  2. Bradley, we all hope that this situation gets rectified ….soon as in today. I don’t even want to think about you not being able to refill your medication and I sure as hell don’t want to start talking about how much I hate the pharmaceutical companies re: prices of drugs, I’d be here all day and besides, it just makes me angry. That alone is enough to spiral out of control but you seem to be dealing with it a lot better than I would be. Hang in there man.

  3. I recently went on a vacation and didn’t count my days correctly and I didn’t bring my bag full of bottles and I was freaked out. I understand how you must be really concerned about this. I hope this week is more of a B. 🙂

  4. When I was reading this, I felt the stress of Med-Cal! We’ve been having issues since MAY that are just now kind of getting resolved. And it’s a feeling of out-of-your-control (at least for me). Hope that you get confirmation very soon that all is in place!

    1. Got through to my case worker and it’s good news, bad news…I’m updating my post in just a few minutes

  5. It makes me angry and sadenned to hear that. Still, I must send you positive energy waves, and wish for a happy outcome for you. Bipolar sufferers need to be supported all the way.

    1. He’s been handing all interactions with Medi-Cal since long ago when I wasn’t coherent enough to talk on the phone. He always seems to pull me through one way or another.

  6. Hope you’re doing a little better today than you were yesterday, my dear Bradley. I would’ve sent in the request as well! LOL Maurice sounds a LOT like Craig, i.e. the Official Voice of Reason in the relationship. We are both lucky to have such wonderful guys in our lives.

    Hang in there as much as you can (despite the meds running out before the processing is complete, which is HUGELY stressful!!!!!! I can imagine!) ; I’ll be praying for a quick resolution! XOXOX Dy

    1. Thank you, Dyane. Maurice is definitely a keeper and it sounds like Craig is too. We’re lucky to have them in our lives.

  7. I hope you get your medical benefit thingy straightened out so you can get your meds. Sometimes I get really angry about bureaucracy, especially when the health and safety of human beings is concerned. It just shouldn’t be so hard. :/

    1. It shouldn’t so hard is right. It’s no wonder we have so may homeless (I was before I was finally able to get aid.) Fortunately I was able to get a 30 day supply before the month was over. That gives me all of September to straighten it out.

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