I was looking through what keywords people have used to reach my blog via Google. Mostly there were no big surprises except on three separate days some one(s) reached my blog by searching for Bipolar Sociopath. There is a difference that I’ve covered before and if you’re interested you can find it here:
How Is Bradley?: Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Psychotic Episodes
In a nutshell, a sociopath may be bipolar or you could say someone who is bipolar may be a sociopath, but a sociopath and someone with bipolar are two entirely separate things.
I’ve been pondering who may have conducted these searches. Are they people who think they are the same thing? Is it someone wanting to learn what the difference is? Is it someone who has a spouse who is wildly manic and thinks they are therefore a sociopath? Is it someone who has bipolar who worries they are a sociopath?
That’s the problem with keywords sometimes. They make me wonder what the person was searching for and that I will never know. It’s not that I need to know, it’s just that I’m nosy and I really want to know.
Years ago a friend and I use to stand at the end of a bar and make up stories about each individual. We’d literally spend hours doing this and would laugh nonstop. That’s kind of what I like to do sometimes with the keyword searchers. I have a story about my Bipolar Sociopath searcher.
35 year old, Wendel Plimke has spent his entire adult life traveling from town to town throughout the midwest, always seeking unsuspecting prey in his schemes. Lately he’s used his charm to steal from rich old ladies by having them invest in electric tote bags. Little did these ladies know that electric tote bags were released by A Sharper Image in 2005 and sales were abysmal, resulting in the company going bankrupt and closing all it’s stores.
Currently Wendel is living with 84 year old Phyllis Farmer. Ready to invest in Wendel’s investment scheme, Phyllis’ niece, Willow, became concerned about the goings on between Wendel and her aunt. Wendel’s behavior just seemed cold and callous to her. Also she wanted him to go away. The sounds each night of Wendel and her aunt making love in the next room were more than she could bear. She confronted Wendel about his odd behavior and he simply told her he was bipolar.
Willow was unsure Wendel was telling her the truth. She decided to go online and research the differences between a sociopath and those with bipolar. Twice she stumbled on the most amazing blog she has ever read called “How is Bradley?” She became so entranced at his humor and writing ability that she failed to continue her important research.
Still concerned about her aunt, Willow searched again. This time she saw Bradley’s blog pop up again in Google and she almost skipped over it to continue her search. Desire got the best of her and she had to read it again. It was at this moment that Wendel walked into the room and realized what she had been researching. Willow was never heard from again.
Okay, Okay. So not a happy ending. Usually our stories didn’t. They were much more interesting that way.
what a great idea, bradley, to make up a story about our searchers! i, too, find it fascinating to look at keyword searches, and have written about it. one of them turned into a whole research project.oh, btw, while i’m here – would you mind looking at my last post on language and depression? i’d be interested in your take.
What a fun game!Heehee I like the way you tell stories, Bradley. Your wit is truly charming.
Ok, I have to say that I loved the story, it was too funny. You do realize that you have to make a continuance of Wendel and his next victims…As far as the keyword search thing goes, hell if I have an answer. Mine always have a tendency to be ” old mom blogs” and the infamous ” banger mom”. Unsure of what a banger mom was, stupid me looked it up. Guess what I found…an old mom banging…eeewwwwwwwwwwww.
@isabella I read your post and loved it. Certainly gives me thought. Your writing style is excellent.@CK (blush) Thank you@dani Maybe I should do an entire blog on Wendel. That might be fun@cheri I’ll definitely check it out.@Susan Glad I made you laugh. Btw, I don’t throw flattery around. Only when it’s deserved.
Hey! Check out OurBipolar.com we are a whole community of bipolars!!
Very funny! It made me laugh–a true wellness activity! And thanks for the comment about me on CK’s blog! I am flattered.Susan
Odd how stories without happy endings are often more interesting. Fun story. And more interesting 🙂
Hey Bard, at least your key words fix! Great post.