What Do You Believe?

One of my favorite websites is Belief.net It’s a treasure trove of information about all the major worlds religions. It’s an especially good place to go if one is searching for others who may fall within their same belief system.

My favorite part of Belief.net is the Belief-O-Matic. It’s a fun test to take in which you answer a series of questions about your beliefs. Once done, the Belief-O-Matic will provide a list of approx 25 religions or belief systems and will give you a percentage which shows how closely your beliefs are in line with those. Here’s the top five that were on my list:

1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (94%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
4. Taoism (90%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (90%)

As you can see, Belief.net also provides links to each all the religions you match so you can read and understand what their belief system is. My results aren’t surprising because I am a Unitarian Universalist who practices Buddhism and I’ve always had a huge respect for the Quakers.

Here’s a link to Belief-O-Matic.

Go ahead and check it out. It’s fun. If you feel up to it, please post your top five list here in the comments. It’d be fun to see the difference we all may or may not have.

26 comments on What Do You Believe?

  1. My top five:1. Hinduism (100%)2. Neo-Pagan (90%)3. Mahayana Buddhism (90%)4. New Age (87%)5. Unitarian Universalism (86A bit surprised at the Pagan thing…hmmm.Thanks for sharing this info.

  2. My top five are:1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)2. Liberal Quakers (93%)3. Neo-Pagan (93%)4. New Age (92%)5. Mahayana Buddhism (88%)No big surprises there. Only thing odd is that Hinduism dropped down to 14th since the last time I took it a couple years ago. Guess I got out of that frame of mind in the last few years.

  3. @immi Not really that odd. It’s my belief that peoples belief systems change and evolve over time, but I guess that’s the Unitarian in me talking.

  4. With the price of gold these days…fewer graven images.Unitarian Universalism would be what I thought of as #1Immi—That’s spooky…it’s reading your mind, maybe?

  5. 1. New Age (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (96%) 3. Mahayana Buddhism (90%) 4. New Thought (83%) 5. Unitarian Universalism (83%)That’s mine! I’m doing a post on it and will trackback to you! ;)That is a great site btw. ;)It’s neat seeing that there are a few of us with the same beliefs. I thought I was kinda alone! 😉

  6. I took this quiz almost 3 years ago and was a 100% match to Unitarian Universalism. Since you asked, I tried it again – I know I’ve moved on a little since then.. and yeah, I suppose it shows?1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)2. Neo-Pagan (98%)3. Unitarian Universalism (86%)4. Hinduism (83%)5. New Age (81%) *lynne*

  7. Great topic!!!A couple years ago I was 96% UU, but now…1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)2. Neo-Pagan (97%)3. New Age (89%)4. Liberal Quakers (89%)5. Mahayana Buddhism (86%) And to think, I was raised Catholic.

  8. Bradly, It has been a while since I have connected with you through your blog. Thanks for the info I will go to the site. Peace, Annie

  9. 1. Eastern Orthodox (100%)2. Roman Catholic (100%)3. Seventh Day Adventist (99%)4. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (98%)5. Orthodox Quaker (91%) There was no result just for a regular Christian, so I guess orthodox is close enough.

  10. Nice blog :-)No real surprises on the religion quiz:1. Neo-Pagan (100%)2. Unitarian Universalism (78%)3. Mahayana Buddhism (76%)4. Liberal Quakers (74%)5. New Age (73%)Why spend money for golden calves when you can just go commune with a tree? 😉

  11. Here’s mine:1. Liberal Quakers (100%)2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)3. Neo-Pagan (96%)4. Reform Judaism (95%)5. Mahayana Buddhism (90%) I’m pretty surprised by all 5 of those. Thanks so much for sharing this. It was interestingBy the way, I just found your blog today and added you to my blogroll (http://bpdokc.blogspot.com)

  12. Hi Brad, long time no speak! Great post here 🙂 I’ve shamelessly copied your idea and posted my results on my blog.Interesting to see that so many of us are so similar in our beliefs 🙂

  13. 1.Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)2.Liberal Quakers (85%)3.Unitarian Universalism (82%)4.Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (75%)5.Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (72%)I’m end a transitional place spiritually and thought my test would turn up more diverse. Guess I’m just not that mixed up yet, but I am working on it : )

  14. Bradley, my friend: Uh oh, I may be the nail sticking out of the wood here….1)Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestant2)Baha’i3)Mainline to Conservative (gasp) Christian Protestant4)Orthodox Quaker5)Liberal QuakerCan I stick around anyway? I promise to bring the beer next time!ExpatFromHell

  15. 1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)2. Reform Judaism (98%)3. Liberal Quakers (93%)4. Baha’i Faith (92%)5. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%) What a cool website! I was brought up Christian but now have come to realize I have some different views from it. thanks for sharing!

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